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Research Report 1999 - CRC for Forestry

Journal Article
Battaglia, M and Sands, PJ and Candy, SG*, “Hybrid growth model to predict height and volume growth in young Eucalyptus globulus plantations”, Forest Ecology and Management, 120 (1-3) pp. 193-201. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00548-9 ISSN 0378-1127 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Close, DC and Beadle, CL and Holz, GK and Ravenwood, IC*, “A photobleaching event at the North Forest Products' Somerset nursery reduces growth of Eucaltyptus globulus seedlings”, Tasforests, 11 pp. 59-67. ISSN 1033-8306 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Garnett, TP and Smethurst, PJ, “Ammonium and nitrate uptake by Eucalyptus nitens: effects of pH and temperature”, Plant and Soil, 214 (1-2) pp. 133-140. doi:10.1023/A:1004740204876 ISSN 0032-079X (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Hunt, MA and Beadle, CL and Cherry, ML, “Allometric relationships between stem variables and leaf area in planted Eucalyptus nitens and naturally regenerating Acacia dealbata”, New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science, 29 (2) pp. 289-300. ISSN 0048-0134 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Hunt, MA and Unwin, GL and Beadle, CL, “Effects of naturally regenerated Acacia dealbata on the productivity of a Eucalyptus nitens plantation in Tasmania, Australia”, Forest Ecology and Management, 117 (1-3) pp. 75-85. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00467-8 ISSN 0378-1127 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Medhurst, J and Battaglia, M and Cherry, ML and Hunt, MA and White, D and Beadle, CL, “Allometric relationships for Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden plantations”, Trees, 14 (2) pp. 91-101. doi:10.1007/s004680050213 ISSN 0931-1890 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Mummery, DC and Battaglia, M and Beadle, CL and Turnbull, CRA and McLeod, R*, “An Application of Terrain and Environmental Modelling in a Large-scale Forestry Experiment”, Forest Ecology and Management, 118 (1-3) pp. 149-159. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(98)00497-6 ISSN 0378-1127 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Pinkard, E and Battaglia, M and Beadle, CL and Sands, PJ, “Modeling the effect of physiological responses to green pruning on net biomass production of Eucalyptus nitens”, Tree Physiology, 19 (1) pp. 1-12. doi:10.1093/treephys/19.1.1 ISSN 0829-318X (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Ruaud, JN and Lawrence, NL and Pepper, S and Potts, BM and Borralho, NMG, “Genetic variation of in vitro rooting ability with time in Eucalyptus globulus”, Silvae Genetica, 48 (1) pp. 4-7. ISSN 0037-5349 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Sands, PJ and Rawlins, W* and Battaglia, M, “Use of a simple plantation productivity model to study the profitability of irrigated Eucalyptus globulus”, Ecological modelling, 117 (1) pp. 125-141. doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(99)00021-6 ISSN 0304-3800 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Schimleck, LR* and Michell, AJ* and Raymond, CJ and Muneri, A*, “Estimation of basic density of Eucalyptus globulus using near-infrared spectroscopy”, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 29 (2) pp. 194-201. doi:10.1139/cjfr-29-2-194 ISSN 0045-5067 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Smethurst, PJ and Matschonat, G* and Ballard, LM and Dingle, JK, “Phase Partinitioning of Ammonium in Australian and European Forest Soils”, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 30 (13) pp. 2023-2034. doi:10.1080/00103629909370350 ISSN 0010-3624 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Wapstra, E and Swain, R and Jones, SM and O'Reilly-Wapstra, JM, “Geographic and annual variation in reproductive cycles in the Tasmanian spotted snow skink, Niveoscincus ocellatus (Squamata : Scincidae)”, Australian Journal of Zoology, 47 (6) pp. 539-550. doi:10.1071/ZO99038 ISSN 0004-959X (1999) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
White, D and Beadle, CL and Sands, PJ and Worledge, D and Honeysett, JL, “Quantifying the effect of cumulative water stress on stomatal conductance of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens: a phenomenological approach”, Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 26 (1) pp. 17-27. doi:10.1071/PP98023 ISSN 0310-7841 (1999) [Refereed Article] [Detail]
Chapter in Book
Simmul, TL and de Little, DW, “Biology of the Paropsini (Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae)”, Advances in Chrysomelidae Biology 1, Backhuys Publishers, The Netherlands, ML Cox (ed), Leiden, pp. 463-477. ISBN 90-5782-5 (1999) [Other Book Chapter] [Detail]
Conference Publication
Close, DC and Beadle, CL and Brown, PH and Holz, GK, “Cold-Induced Photoinhibition Affects Establishment of Eucalyptus Nitens and E. Globulus Seedlings”, Combined Conference Abstracts, 27-30 September 1999, Gold Coast, Australia, pp. 51-03. (1999) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
Mendham, NJ and Baker, SC and Dingle, JK and Smethurst, PJ and Beadle, CL and Neilsen, W and Borger, J and Adams, P and Holz, GK and Barnes, C and Hetherington, S and Naughton, P and Appleton, R, “Impact of Competition from Weeds on Early Growth Eucalypts and Pines at Five Sites in Tasmania and Victoria”, Practising Forestry Today, 3-8 October 1999, Hobart, pp. 187-187. ISBN 0959459286 (1999) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Detail]

* This author is not affiliated with the University of Tasmania.