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Research Report 2020 - Medicine

Journal Article
Aaby, P* and Benn, CS* and Flanagan, Katie and Klein, SL* and Kollmann, TR* and Lynn, DJ* and Shann, F*, “The non-specific and sex-differential effects of vaccines”, Nature Reviews Immunology, 20 pp. 464-470. ISSN 1474-1733 (2020) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Acharya, B* and Acharya, A* and Gautam, S and Ghimire, SP* and Mishra, G* and Parajuli, N* and Sapkota, B*, “Advances in diagnosis of Tuberculosis: an update into molecular diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis”, Molecular Biology Reports, 47 (5) pp. 4065-4075. doi:10.1007/s11033-020-05413-7 ISSN 0301-4851 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Ahmadi, S* and Wang, S* and Nagpal, R* and Wang, B* and Jain, S* and Razazan, A* and Mishra, SP* and Zhu, X* and Wang, Z* and Kavanagh, K and Yadav, H*, “A human-origin probiotic cocktail ameliorates aging-related leaky gut and inflammation via modulating the microbiota/taurine/tight junction axis”, JCI Insight, 5 (9) pp. 1-18. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.132055 ISSN 2379-3708 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Al Rumaih, Z* and Kels, MJT* and Ng, E* and Pandey, P and Pontejo, SM* and Alejo, A* and Alcami, A* and Chaudhri, G* and Karupiah, G, “Poxvirus-encoded TNF receptor homolog dampens inflammation and protects from uncontrolled lung pathology during respiratory infection”, National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America. Proceedings, 117 (43) pp. 26885-26894. doi:10.1073/pnas.2004688117 ISSN 0027-8424 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Atto, B and Latham, R and Kunde, D and Gell, DA and Tristram, S, “In vitro anti-NTHi activity of haemophilin-producing strains of Haemophilus haemolyticus”, Pathogens, 9 (4) Article 243. doi:10.3390/pathogens9040243 ISSN 2076-0817 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Auderset, LF and Pitman, KA and Cullen, CL and Pepper, RE and Taylor, BV and Foa, L and Young, KM, “Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) is a negative regulator of oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation in the adult mouse brain”, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8 Article 564351. doi:10.3389/fcell.2020.564351 ISSN 2296-634X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bacarella, N* and Ruggiero, A* and Davis, AT* and Uberseder, B* and Davis, MA* and Bracy, DP* and Wasserman, DH* and Cline, JM* and Sherrill, C* and Kavanagh, K, “Whole body irradiation induces diabetes and adipose insulin resistance in nonhuman primates”, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 106 (4) pp. 878-886. doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.11.034 ISSN 0360-3016 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Barnsley, K and Sohal, SS, “Covid-19 and smoking: the elephant in the room?”, BMJ - blog, 24 March 2020 (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Detail]
Barnsley, K and Sohal, SS, “COVID-19, propelled by smoking, could destroy entire nations”, European Respiratory Society - blog, 30 March 2020 (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Detail]
Batt, TJ* and Lincz, LF* and Prasad, R* and Patel, RP and Shastri, M and Lioufas, N* and Smith, AG* and Jose, MD, “Plasma levels of enoxaparin oligosaccharides, antifactor-Xa and thrombin generation in patients undergoing haemodialysis”, Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis, 31 (2) pp. 152-159. doi:10.1097/MBC.0000000000000892 ISSN 0957-5235 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Beard, DJ* and Brown, L and Sutherland, BA, “The rise of pericytes in neurovascular research”, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 40 (12) pp. 2366-2373. doi:10.1177/0271678X20958497 ISSN 0271-678X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bezabhe, WM and Bereznicki, LR and Radford, J and Wimmer, BC and Curtain, C and Salahudeen, MS and Peterson, GM, “Factors influencing oral anticoagulant use in patients newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation”, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 51 (5) Article e13457. doi:10.1111/eci.13457 ISSN 0014-2972 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bezabhe, WM and Bereznicki, LR and Radford, J and Wimmer, BC and Salahudeen, MS and Bindoff, I and Garrahy, E and Peterson, GM, “Five-year trends in potential drug interactions with direct-acting oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation: an Australian-wide study”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (11) Article 3568. doi:10.3390/jcm9113568 ISSN 2077-0383 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bezabhe, WM and Kitsos, A and Saunder, T* and Peterson, GM and Bereznicki, LR and Wimmer, BC and Jose, M and Radford, J, “Medication prescribing quality in Australian primary care patients with chronic kidney disease”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (3) Article 783. doi:10.3390/jcm9030783 ISSN 2077-0383 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bindoff, I and Ling, TR and Gee, P and Geelan, B and Ferguson, SG and Peterson, GM, “Effects of a mobile app called Quittr, which utilizes premium currency and games features, on improving engagement with smoking cessation intervention: Pilot randomized controlled trial”, JMIR Serious Games, 8 (4) pp. 1-11. doi:10.2196/23734 ISSN 2291-9279 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bostock, ECS and Kirkby, KC and Taylor, BV and Hawrelak, JA, “Response: Commentary: Consumer reports of “Keto Flu” associated with the ketogenic diet”, Frontiers in Nutrition doi:10.3389/fnut.2020.575713 ISSN 2296-861X (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bostock, ECS and Kirkby, KC and Taylor, BV and Hawrelak, JA, “Consumer reports of “Keto Flu” associated with the ketogenic diet”, Frontiers in Nutrition, 7 Article 20. doi:10.3389/fnut.2020.00020 ISSN 2296-861X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Brailsford, G and Cash, E and Burke, J and Kirkland, G and Wallis, M and Mallett, A* and Jose, MD, “Genetic kidney disease in southern Tasmania”, Kidney international reports, 5 (4) pp. 534-537. doi:10.1016/j.ekir.2020.01.015 ISSN 2468-0249 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Brake, SJ and Barnsley, KI and Lu, W and McAlinden, KD and Eapen, MS and Sohal, SS, “Smoking upregulates angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 receptor: A potential adhesion site for Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9 (3) Article 841. doi:10.3390/jcm9030841 ISSN 2077-0383 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Breen, R and Ferguson, SG and Palmer, MA, “Higher incentive amounts do not appear to be associated with greater quit rates in financial incentive programmes for smoking cessation”, Addictive Behaviors, 110 pp. 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106513 ISSN 0306-4603 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bridgman, H and Todd, A and Maine, G and Hardcastle, S and Bird, ML and Radford, J and Marlow, A and Elmer, S and Murray, S and Norris, K and Dean, T and Williams, A, “Piloting an interprofessional chronic pain management program: perspectives of health students and community clients”, Journal of Interprofessional Care pp. 1-10. doi:10.1080/13561820.2020.1830047 ISSN 1356-1820 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bridgman, H and Bird, ML and Heyworth, KJ and Maine, G and Hardcastle, SG and Murray, SL and Radford, J and Elmer, SL and Norris, KA and Dean, T and Marlow, AH and Williams, AD and Todd, A, “Evaluating an interprofessional workshop on persistent pain: the role of adult learning and social identity theories”, Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 3 (Special Issue No.1) pp. 129-139. doi:10.37074/jalt.2020.3.s1.11 ISSN 2591-801X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bui, DS* and Perret, JL* and Walters, EH and Abramson, MJ* and Burgess, JA* and Bui, MQ* and Bowatte, G* and Lowe, AJ* and Russell, MA* and Alif, SM* and Thompson, BR* and Hamilton, GS* and Giles, GG* and Thomas, PS* and Morrison, S* and Johns, DP and Knibbs, LD* and Zock, JP* and Marcon, A* and Garcia-Aymerich, J* and Erbas, B* and Jarvis, D* and Svanes, C* and Lodge, CJ* and Dharmage, SC*, “Lifetime risk factors for pre- and post-bronchodilator lung function decline: A population-based study”, Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17 (3) pp. 302-312. doi:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201904-329OC ISSN 2325-6621 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Butler, A* and Prior, SJ and Mathew, S* and Carter, D* and Ellem, BF*, “Utilising co-design to improve outpatient neurological care in a rural setting”, Patient Experience Journal, 7 (3) pp. 128-135. ISSN 2372-0247 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Butler-Henderson, K and Crawford, J, “A systematic review of online examinations: a pedagogical innovation for scalable authentication and integrity”, Computers and Education, 159 Article 104024. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104024 ISSN 0360-1315 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Campbell, B* and Bui, DS* and Simpson, JA* and Lodge, CJ* and Lowe, AJ* and Bowatte, G* and Leynaert, B* and Real, FG* and Thomas, PS* and Giles, GG* and Johns, DP and Garcia-Aymerich, J* and Hopper, JL* and Jarvis, D* and Abramson, MJ* and Walters, EH* and Perret, JL* and Dharmage, SC*, “Early age at natural menopause is related to lower post-bronchodilator lung function: A longitudinal population-based study”, Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17 (4) pp. 429-437. doi:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201902-180OC ISSN 2329-6933 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Campbell, S and Greenwood, M and Prior, S and Shearer, T and Walkem, K and Young, S and Bywaters, D and Walker, K, “Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples”, Journal of Research in Nursing, 25 (8) pp. 652-661. doi:10.1177/1744987120927206 ISSN 1744-9871 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Castelino, RL* and Saunder, T and Kitsos, A and Peterson, GM and Jose, M and Wimmer, B and Khanam, M and Bezabhe, W and Stankovich, J and Radford, J, “Quality use of medicines in patients with chronic kidney disease”, BMC Nephrology, 21 pp. 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12882-020-01862-1 ISSN 1471-2369 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cheung, CHY* and Khaw, ML and Tam, VCW* and Ying, MTC* and Lee, SWY*, “Performance evaluation of a portable bioimpedance cardiac output monitor for measuring hemodynamic changes in athletes during a head-up tilt test”, Journal of Applied Physiology, 128 (5) pp. 1146-1152. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00822.2019 ISSN 8750-7587 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chia, YYP and Ekladious, A*, “Australian public hospital inpatient satisfaction related to early patient involvement and shared decision-making in discharge planning”, Internal Medicine Journal, 51 (6) pp. 891-895. doi:10.1111/imj.14872 ISSN 1444-0903 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Choi-Lundberg, DL and Al-Aubaidy, HAM and Burgess, J and Clifford, CA and Cuellar, WA and Errey, JA and Harper, AJ and Malley, RC and Ross, RM and Williams, A-MM and Hays, R, “Minimal effects of reduced teaching hours on undergraduate medical student learning outcomes and course evaluations”, Medical Teacher, 42 (1) pp. 58-65. doi:10.1080/0142159X.2019.1652258 ISSN 0142-159X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chow, JSF and Adams, K* and Cho, Y* and Choi, P* and Equinox, K-L* and Figueiredo, AE* and Hawley, CM* and Howard, K* and Johnson, DW* and Jose, M and Lee, A* and Longergan, M* and Manera, KE* and Moodie, JA* and Paul-Brent, PA* and Pascoe, EM* and Reidlinger, D* and Steiner, GZ* and Tomlins, M* and Tong, A* and Voss, D* and Boudville, NC*, “Targeted Education ApproaCH to improve Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes (TEACH-PD): A feasibility study”, Peritoneal Dialysis International, 40 (2) pp. 153-163. doi:10.1177/0896860819887283 ISSN 0896-8608 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Coulson, L* and Tran, V, “Regident: A rural and regional enigma”, Emergency Medicine Australasia, 31 (5) pp. 876-877. doi:10.1111/1742-6723.13384 ISSN 1742-6731 (2019) [Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Courtney, JM and Sutherland, BA, “Harnessing the stem cell properties of pericytes to repair the brain”, Neural regeneration research, 15 (6) pp. 1021-1022. doi:10.4103/1673-5374.270301 ISSN 1673-5374 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cox, M* and Adetifa, JU* and Noho-Konteh, F* and Njie-Jobe, J* and Sanyang, LC* and Drammeh, A* and Plebanski, M* and Whittle, HC* and Rowland-Jones, SL* and Robertson, I and Flanagan, KL, “Limited impact of human cytomegalovirus infection in African infants on vaccine-specific responses following diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccination”, Frontiers in Immunology, 11 Article 1083. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.01083 ISSN 1664-3224 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cox, M* and Adetifa, JU* and Noho-Konteh, F* and Sanyang, LC* and Drammeh, A* and Plebanski, M* and Whittle, HC* and Rowland-Jones, SL* and Robertson, IK and Flanagan, KL, “Sex-differential impact of human cytomegalovirus infection on in vitro reactivity to toll-like receptor 2, 4 and 7/8 stimulation in Gambian infants”, Vaccines, 8 (3) pp. 1-16. doi:10.3390/vaccines8030407 ISSN 2076-393X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Craig, JE* and Han, X* and Qassim, A* and Hassall, M* and Cooke Bailey, JN* and Kinzy, TG* and Khawaja, AP* and An, J* and Marshall, H* and Gharahkhani, P* and Igo, RP* and Graham, SL* and Healey, PR* and Ong, JS* and Zhou, T* and Siggs, O* and Law, MH* and Souzeau, E* and Ridge, B* and Hysi, PG* and Burdon, KP and Mills, RA* and Landers, J* and Ruddle, JB* and Agar, A* and Galanopoulos, A* and White, AJR* and Willoughby, CE* and Andrew, NH* and Best, S* and Vincent, AL* and Goldberg, I* and Radford-Smith, G* and Martin, NG* and Montgomery, GW* and Vitart, V* and Hoehn, R* and Wojciechowski, R* and Jonas, JB* and Aung, T* and Pasquale, LR* and Cree, AJ* and Sivaprasad, S* and Vallabh, NA* and Viswanathan, AC* and Pasutto, F* and Haines, JL* and Klaver, CCW* and van Duijn, CM* and Casson, RJ* and Foster, PJ* and Khaw, PT* and Hammond, CJ* and Mackey, DA and Mitchell, P* and Lotery, AJ* and Wiggs, JL* and Hewitt, AW and MacGregor, S*, NEIGHBORHOOD consortium and UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium, “Multitrait analysis of glaucoma identifies new risk loci and enables polygenic prediction of disease susceptibility and progression”, Nature Genetics, 52 (2) pp. 160-166. doi:10.1038/s41588-019-0556-y ISSN 1061-4036 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Crameri, KA and Maher, L and Van Dam, PJ and Prior, S, “Personal electronic healthcare records: What influences consumers to engage with their clinical data online? A literature review”, Health Information Management Article Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1177/1833358319895369 ISSN 1322-4913 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Crawford, J and Percy, A* and Kelder, J-A and Butler-Henderson, K, “Editorial 17.5. Strengthening our focus for a post-COVID-19 environment: learnings from a pandemic in higher education”, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 17 (5) Article 1. ISSN 1449-9789 (2020) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Crocombe, LA and Allen, P and Bettiol, S and Khan, S and Godwin, D and Barnett, T and Hoang, H and Goldberg, LR, “Geographical variation in preventable hospital admissions for dental conditions: An Australia‐wide analysis”, Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27 pp. 520-526. doi:10.1111/ajr.12556 ISSN 1038-5282 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cullen, CL and O'Rourke, M and Beasley, SJ and Auderset, L and Zhen, Y and Pepper, RE and Gasperini, R and Young, KM, “Kif3a deletion prevents primary cilia assembly on oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, reduces oligodendrogenesis and impairs fine motor function”, Glia pp. 1-20. doi:10.1002/glia.23957 ISSN 0894-1491 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Curry, BA* and Sanfilippo, PG* and Chan, S* and Hewitt, AW and Verma, N, “Clinical outcomes of a treat and extend regimen with intravitreal aflibercept injections in patients with diabetic macular edema: Experience in clinical practice”, Ophthalmology and Therapy, 9 (1) pp. 87-101. doi:10.1007/s40123-019-00224-x ISSN 2193-8245 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dalton, L and Butler-Henderson, K and Newstead, T and Quinn, W, “Leading health reform: A critical review of 'leadership' within allied health competency standards”, Australian Health Review, 45 (3) pp. 368-376. doi:10.1071/AH20144 ISSN 0156-5788 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Doherty, VF* and Olumide, OA and Abdullahi, A* and Oluwatosin, A* and Folashade, AE*, “Evaluation of knowledge, impacts and government intervention strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria”, Data in Brief, 32 Article 106177. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.106177 ISSN 2352-3409 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dwyer, M and Peterson, G and Gall, S and Kinsman, L* and Francis, K and Ford, K* and Castley, H* and Kitsos, A and Hilliard, T* and English, J*, “Regional differences in access to acute ischaemic stroke care and patient outcomes”, Internal Medicine Journal, 50 (8) pp. 965-971. doi:10.1111/imj.14638 ISSN 1444-0903 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dwyer, M and Peterson, GM and Gall, S and Francis, K and Ford, KM, “Health care providers’ perceptions of factors that influence the provision of acute stroke care in urban and rural settings: a qualitative study”, Sage Open Medicine, 8 pp. 1-8. doi:10.1177/2050312120921088 ISSN 2050-3121 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dyer, MS and Reale, LA and Lewis, KE and Walker, AK and Dickson, TC and Woodhouse, A and Blizzard, CA, “Mislocalisation of TDP‐43 to the cytoplasm causes cortical hyperexcitability and reduced excitatory neurotransmission in the motor cortex”, Journal of Neurochemistry, 157 (4) pp. 1300-1315. doi:10.1111/jnc.15214 ISSN 0022-3042 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Eapen, MS and Lu, W and Gaikwad, AV and Bhattarai, P and Chia, C* and Hardikar, A and Haug, G and Sohal, SS, “Endothelial to mesenchymal transition: a precursor to post-COVID-19 interstitial pulmonary fibrosis and vascular obliteration?”, The European Respiratory Journal, 56 (4) doi:10.1183/13993003.03167-2020 ISSN 0903-1936 (2020) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Elliston, KG and Schuz, B* and Albion, T and Ferguson, SG, “Comparison of geographic information system and subjective assessments of momentary food environments as predictors of food intake: an ecological momentary assessment study”, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8 (7) Article e15948. doi:10.2196/15948 ISSN 2291-5222 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Elmer, S and Nash, R and Kemp, N and Coleman, C and Wyss, M* and Roach, J*, “HealthLit4Kids: Supporting schools to be health literacy responsive organisations”, Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32 (S1) pp. 17-28. doi:10.1002/hpja.412 ISSN 2201-1617 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Endall, R* and Thompson, M and Parameswaran, V and Burgess, J, “The relationship of Gastrinoma in MEN 1 to Helicobacter pylori infection”, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105 (3) pp. e676-e682. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgaa004 ISSN 0021-972X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Endall, R* and McCallum, R and Burgess, J, “Case report: High-concentration insulin glargine overdose complicated by hepatic steatosis”, Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4 (5) pp. 1-6. doi:10.1210/jendso/bvz020 ISSN 2472-1972 (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fan, Q* and Pozarickij, A* and Tan, NYQ* and Guo, X* and Verhoeven, VJM* and Vitart, V* and Guggenheim, JA* and Miyake, M* and Tideman, JWL* and Khawaja, AP* and Zhang, L* and MacGregor, S* and Hohn, R* and Chen, P* and Biino, G* and Wedenoja, J* and Saffari, SE* and Tedja, MS* and Xie, J* and Lanca, C* and Wang, YX* and Sahebjada, S* and Mazur, J* and Mirshahi, A* and Martin, NG* and Yazar, S* and Pennell, CE* and Yap, M* and Haarman, AEG* and Enthoven, CA* and Polling, JR* and Hewitt, AW and Jaddoe, VWV* and van Duijn, CM* and Hayward, C* and Polasek, O* and Tai, E-S* and Yoshikatsu, H* and Hysi, PG* and Young, TL* and Tsujikawa, A* and Wang, JJ* and Mitchell, P* and Pfeiffer, N* and Parssinen, O* and Foster, PJ* and Fossarello, M* and Yip, SP* and Williams, C* and Hammond, CJ* and Jonas, JB* and He, M* and Mackey, DA and Wong, T-Y* and Klaver, CCW* and Saw, S-M* and Baird, PN* and Cheng, C-Y*, Consortium for Refractive Error and Myopia (CREAM), UK Biobank Eye and Vision Consortium, “Genome-wide association meta-analysis of corneal curvature identifies novel loci and shared genetic influences across axial length and refractive error”, Communications Biology, 3 (1) Article 133. doi:10.1038/s42003-020-0802-y ISSN 2399-3642 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Felicione, NJ* and Ozga-Hess, JE* and Ferguson, SG and Dino, G* and Kuhn, S* and Haliwa, I* and Blank, MD*, “Cigarette smokers’ concurrent use of smokeless tobacco: dual use patterns and nicotine exposure”, Tobacco Control, 30 pp. 24-29. doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055345 ISSN 0964-4563 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Feng, Z and Smith, JA and Gueven, N and Quirino, JP, “Metabolic stability of new mito-protective short-chain naphthoquinones”, Pharmaceuticals, 13 (2) pp. 1-12. doi:10.3390/ph13020029 ISSN 1424-8247 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Flies, AS and Flies, EJ and Fox, S* and Gilbert, A* and Johnson, SR* and Liu, G-S and Lyons, AB and Patchett, AL and Pemberton, D* and Pye, RJ, “An oral bait vaccination approach for the Tasmanian devil facial tumor diseases”, Expert Review of Vaccines, 19 (1) pp. 1-10. doi:10.1080/14760584.2020.1711058 ISSN 1476-0584 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Flies, AS and Darby, JM and Murphy, PR and Pinfold, TL and Patchett, AL and Lennard, PR, “Generation and Testing of Fluorescent Adaptable Simple Theranostic (FAST) Proteins”, Bio-protocol, 10 (13) pp. 1-49. doi:10.21769/BioProtoc.3696 ISSN 2331-8325 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Flies, AS and Darby, JM and Lennard, PR and Murphy, PR and Ong, C and Pinfold, TL and De Luca, A and Lyons, AB and Woods, GM and Patchett, AL, “A novel system to map protein interactions reveals evolutionarily conserved immune evasion pathways on transmissible cancers”, Science Advances, 6 (27) Article eaba5031. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aba5031 ISSN 2375-2548 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Franja, S and Elliston, KG and Ferguson, SG, “Body Mass Index and stimulus control: Results from a real-world study of eating behaviour”, Appetite, 154 pp. 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2020.104783 ISSN 0195-6663 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gadd, KJ* and Ganguly, A* and Mauldon, EC, “The inverted-V shape during transverse laryngeal ultrasonography for cricothyroid membrane localisation”, Anaesthesia (Oxford), 73 (12) pp. 1572-1573. doi:10.1111/anae.14485 ISSN 0003-2409 (2018) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gaikwad, AV and Eapen, MS and McAlinden, KD and Chia, C* and Larby, J and Myers, S and Dey, S and Haug, G and Markos, J and Glanville, AR* and Sohal, SS, “Endothelial to mesenchymal transition (EndMT) and vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertension and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis”, Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine, 14 (10) pp. 1027-1043. doi:10.1080/17476348.2020.1795832 ISSN 1747-6348 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Garrahy, E and Heal, C* and Hespe, CM* and Radford, J and Watts, GF* and Brett, T*, “Familial hypercholesterolaemia and cascade testing in general practice - lessons from COVID-19”, Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (12) pp. 859-860. doi:10.31128/AJGP-07-20-5517 ISSN 2208-794X (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Garrahy, E and Davison, K* and Hardcastle, S and O'Brien, J and Pedersen, S and Williams, A and Radford, J, “Exercise as cardiovascular medicine”, Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (8) pp. 483-487. doi:10.31128/AJGP-03-20-5294 ISSN 2208-794X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gautam, SS and Leong, KWC* and Pradhan, M* and Ibotomba Singh, Y* and Rajbhandari, SK* and Ghimire, GR* and Adhikari, K* and Shrestha, U* and Chaudhary, R* and Ghimire, G* and Khadka, S* and O'Toole, RF*, “Draft genome sequence of an isolate of extensively drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis from Nepal”, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 9 (4) pp. 1-2. doi:10.1128/MRA.01404-19 ISSN 2576-098X (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Goldsmid, J and Bettiol, S, “Global Medicine, Parasites, and Tasmania”, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 5 (1) doi:10.3390/tropicalmed5010007 ISSN 2414-6366 (2020) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
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Yen, S and Song, Y and Preissner, M* and Bennett, E and Wilson, R and Pavez, M and Dubsky, S* and Dargaville, PA and Fouras, A* and Zosky, GR, “The proteomic response is linked to regional lung volumes in ventilator-induced lung injury”, Journal of Applied Physiology, 129 (4) pp. 837-845. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00097.2020 ISSN 8750-7587 (2020) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Zammit, NW* and Siggs, OM* and Gray, PE* and Horikawa, K* and Langley, DB* and Walters, SN* and Daley, SR* and Loetsch, C* and Warren, J* and Yap, JY* and Cultrone, D* and Russell, A* and Malle, EK* and Villanueva, JE* and Cowley, MJ* and Gayevskiy, V* and Dinger, ME* and Brink, R* and Zahra, D* and Chaudhri, G* and Karupiah, G and Whittle, B* and Roots, C* and Bertram, E* and Yamada, M* and Jeelall, Y* and Enders, A* and Clifton, BE* and Mabbitt, PD* and Jackson, CJ* and Watson, SR* and Jenne, CN* and Lanier, LL* and Wiltshire, T* and Spitzer, MH* and Nolan, GP* and Schmitz, F* and Aderem, A* and Porebski, BT* and Buckle, AM* and Abbott, DW* and Ziegler, JB* and Craig, ME* and Benitez-Aguirre, P* and Teo, J* and Tangye, SG* and King, C* and Wong, M* and Cox, MP* and Phung, W* and Tang, J* and Sandoval, W* and Wertz, IE* and Christ, D* and Goodnow, CC* and Grey, ST*, “Denisovan, modern human and mouse TNFAIP3 alleles tune A20 phosphorylation and immunity”, Nature Immunology, 20 (10) pp. 1299-1310. doi:10.1038/s41590-019-0492-0 ISSN 1529-2908 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chapter in Book
Chapman, JA and Lee, LMJ* and Swailes, NT*, “From Scope to Screen: The Evolution of Histology Education”, Biomedical Visualisation, Springer, Cham, PM Rea (ed), Switzerland, pp. 75-107. ISBN 978-3-030-47482-9 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Ferguson, SG and Jahnel, T and Elliston, KG and Shiffman, S*, “Ambulatory Assessment”, The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods in Clinical Psychology, Cambridge University Press, AGC Wright and MN Hallquist (ed), United States, pp. 301-311. ISBN 9781316995808 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Jayakody, O and Callisaya, ML, “Gait and dementia”, The Neuroscience of Dementia, Volume 1: Diagnosis and Management in Dementia, Academic Press, C Martin and V Preedy (ed), London, United Kingdom, pp. 95-110. ISBN 978-0-12-816043-5 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kirkby, KC, “Conceptual Histories in Psychiatry: Perspectives Across Time, Language and Culture in the Work of German Berrios”, Rethinking Psychopathology, Springer, Cham, I S Markova and E Chen (ed), Switzerland, pp. 29-38. ISBN 978-3-030-43438-0 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Knox, M and Crawford, J and Young, S, “Ecotourism Emergence in Tasmania Through Social Entrepreneurs and Authentic Leaders”, Global Entrepreneurial Trends in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, IGI Global, D Batabyal (ed), United States, pp. 84-111. ISBN 9781799826033 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Moore, R, “Writing for Research”, Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press, M Walter (ed), Australia ISBN 9780190310103 (2020) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Morris, I and Shiffman, S* and Beckjord, E* and Ferguson, SG, “Ecological Momentary Assessment and Technological Advances in Clinical Care”, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technologies and Mental Health, Oxford University Press, MN Potenza, KA Faust and D Faust (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 277-288. ISBN 9780190218058 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S and Rostami, R*, “Suicidal behaviour disorder: A bad idea”, The Broader View of Suicide, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S Shahtahmasebi and H Omar (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 265-279. ISBN 9781527547322 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S and Pridmore, W*, “Suicide in Writing Across Time and Place”, The Broader View of Suicide, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S Shahtahmasebi and H Omar (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 42-70. ISBN 9781527547322 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S and Pridmore, W* and Shahtahmasebi, S*, “Suicide Triggers in Les Miserables”, The Broader View of Suicide, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S Shahtahmasebi and H Omar (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 71-80. ISBN 9781527547322 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S and Shahtahmasebi, S*, “Suicide: The People’s Choice”, The Broader View of Suicide, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, S Shahtahmasebi and H Omar (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 34-41. ISBN 9781527547322 (2020) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Williams, A and Radford, J and O'Brien, J and Davidson, K*, “Type 2 diabetes and the medicine of exercise”, Australian Journal of General Practice, 49 (4) pp. 189-193. ISSN 2208-794X (2020) [Other Review] [Full Text] [Detail]
Conference Publication
Abeysekera, N and Mich, CS and Mahoney, A and Abeysekera, A* and Macphail, A* and Ibrahim, J* and Jose, M and Tuner, R, “Evacuating the need for an integrated geriatric service on the prevalence of acute kidney injury in older general surgery patients”, pp. 41-41. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Ayentimi, DT and Ali Abadi, H* and Burgess, JR, “What is keeping women out of academic careers in higher education in developing societies?”, AIRAANZ 2020 Conference, Doing Things Differently? IR Practice and Research Beyond, 11–14 February, Queenstown, Otago, New Zealand (2020) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Berry, R and Edwards, D and Blackhall, M, “Anaphylaxis recognition: Is there consistency in Paramedic and Emergency Department diagnoses?”, 999 EMS Research Forum, 4 March 2020, Brighton, United Kingdom (2020) [Plenary Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Black, JA* and Sharman, J and Palmer, A and de Graaff, B and Hensher, M* and Chen, G* and Marwick, T* and Otahal, P and Nelson, M and Campbell, J, “Quality of life improves more for people who receive proactive absolute”, Value in Health Regional Issues ISSN 2212-1099 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Breen, R and Ferguson, S and Palmer, M, “Smokers’ perceptions of incentivised smoking cessation programmes: examining how payment thresholds change with income”, 17–18 September, Online (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Breen, R, “Higher incentive amounts do not appear associated with greater quit rates in incentive programmes for smoking cessation”, SRNT Oceania, 24 October 2019 (2019) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chen, J* and Brown, M* and Jose, M and Brennan, F* and Johnson, D* and Roberts, M* and Wong, G* and Chiekh Hassan, H* and Kennard, A* and Walker, R* and Boudville, N* and Borlace, M* and Hawley, C* and Lim, W*, “Temporal changes and risk factors associated with early mortality attributed to dialysis withdrawal in patients with kidney failure”, Nephrology ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cox, I and Borchers Arriagada, N and de Graaff, B and Corte, T* and Glaspole, I* and Lartey, S and Walters, H and Palmer, A, “Evaluation of health-related quality of life in IPF: A systematic review and meta-analysis”, Respirology ISSN 1323-7799 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cox, I and de Graaff, B and Ahmad, H and Corte, TJ* and Walters, HE and Palmer, A, “The impact of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis on health state utility values: evidence from Australia”, Value in Health Regional Issues ISSN 2212-1099 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Crawford, J and Butler-Henderson, K and Lalani, K* and Rudolph, J* and Sabu, KM*, “Creating an international COVID-19 pandemic learning community”, 30 November – 2 December 2020, Online (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Crawford, JA and Butler-Henderson, K, “COVID-19 and Australian Higher Education”, Higher Education's Response & Preparation to Pandemics: Perspectives, Policy, and Practice, July, Selangor, Malaysia (2020) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cuthbertson, L and Cash, E and Prentice, L and Black, A and Burgess, JR and Macintyre, K and Saunder, T and Kitsos, A and Jose, K and Raj, R and McKercher, CE and Radford, J and Jose, M, “Cardiovascular events and death in people living with chronic kidney disease”, pp. 46-46. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cuthbertson, L and Cash, E and Prentice, L and Black, A and Burgess, JR and Macintyre, K and Saunder, T and Kitsos, A and Jose, K and Raj, R and McKercher, C and Radford, J and Jose, M, “Incidence and prevalence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors according to kidney function, gender and geography”, pp. 19-19. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cuthbertson, L* and Krelle, A* and Jose, M and Yew, S*, “Nephrotic syndrome associated with moyamoya syndrome: A case report”, Nephrology ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Davis, K* and Hamilton, S* and Schrale, R* and Tran, V, “Pain relief for major burns patients in the emergency department: Literature review and current practice at a tertiary burns referral Centre”, Emergency Medicine Australasia ISSN 1742-6731 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Foong, Y and Aitken, D and Humphries, D* and Laslett, L and Pitchford, N and Khan, H and Abram, F* and Pelletier, J* and Martel-Pelletier, J* and Jin, X* and Jones, G and Winzenberg, T, “Knee function, pain and magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in Australian Rules Football players: a cohort study”, Internal Medicine Journal ISSN 1444-0903 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gnoinski, GB and Goemann, K and Pinfold, T and Schmidt, S* and Close, D and Kerslake, F, “Poster 46. Visualisation of effects on lees from novel methods to induce autolysis in sparkling winemaking”, 21-24 July 2019, Adelaide (2019) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Griffin, P and Prior, S and Van Dam, P, “Connecting with industry to deliver Work-Integrated Learning in partnership”, Teaching Matters 2020, November 2020, Tasmania (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gultekin, R* and Allen, P and Prior, S, “To scope or not to scope? A detailed 10-year review of knee arthroscopy practice at a regional hospital”, AOA Annual Scientific Meeting 2020, 21- 23 February 2020, Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Jacques, M and Jacques, A* and Tran, V, “Is there a ‘weekend effect’ in subacute and minor injuries at a mixed tertiary emergency department?”, Emergency Medicine Australasia ISSN 1742-6731 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Jose, M and Raj, R and Jose, K and McKercher, C and Kitsos, A and Saunder, T and Radford, J, “A state-wide approach to identify chronic kidney disease, associated risk factors and outcomes in the community using linked datasets (CKD.TASLINK)”, Nephrology ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kirkcaldie, M and O'Mara, A and King, A and Vickers, J, “Making the most of Alzheimer’s models: accurate measurement of amyloid from microscope images using ImageSURF”, 13-14 June, Hobart, Tasmania (2019) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Krelle, A* and Jose, M and Read, G* and Macdonald, S* and Davis, S*, “A clinical audit of the impact of heparin locking solution concentration on catheter dysfunction”, pp. 35-35. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Krelle, A* and Kalapurackal Mathai, V* and Kirkland, G and Nott, L and Jose, M, “Acute granulomatous interstitial nephritis in a patient with metastatic melanoma on targeted molecular therapy with dabrafenib and trametinib: a case report”, pp. 43-43. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Landowski, LM and Foster, CG and Sutherland, BA and Howells, DW, “Poly I:C and LPS induce blood brain barrier disruption and a fatigue behavioural phenotype in rodents in vivo”, Society for Neuroscience Conference 2019, 19 - 23 October, Chicago, IL (2019) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
Lau, WY and Mulcahy, EM and Wanandy, T and Tran, V, “P31: Severe systemic allergic reactions to Jack Jumper Ant Venom Immunotherapy: basophil response during treatment with Omalizumab”, 4-8 September, Canberra, pp. 13-13. ISSN 1444-0903 (2018) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Lavers, JL and Rivers-Auty, J, “Sublethal consequences of plastic exposure in seabirds”, EnviSMART Conference, 28 May, online (2020) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Liu, C and Tian, J and Jose, M and Dwyer, T and Venn, A, “Body mass index trajectories from childhood to midlife are associated with subclinical kidney damage in midlife”, Nephrology ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Logan, B* and Johnson, DW* and Tong, A* and Comans, T* and Janda, M* and Pond, C* and Pascoe, E* and Peel, NM* and Gray, L* and Pole, J* and Polkinghorne, K* and Jose, M and Gordon, EH* and Scholes-Robertson, N* and Bailey, J* and Robison, L* and Hawley, C* and Varghese, J* and Kiriwandeniya, C* and Reidlinger, D* and Hubbard, RE*, “The GOAL trial protocol: comprehensive geriatric assessment for frail older people with chronic kidney disease to increase attainment of patient-identified goals– A cluster randomised controlled trial” ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Maynard, O and Munafo, M* and Hall, M* and Ferguson, S, “The effects of cigarette pack inserts with efficacy messages on responses to health warnings”, SRNT 26th Annual Meeting, 11-14 March 2020, New Orleans (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Moore, R and Nash, M, “‘Death by a thousand cuts’: visibly and culturally diverse women’s experiences of racial microaggressions in STEMM organisations”, Proceedings of Gender and Sexuality at Work: A Multidisciplinary Research and Engagement Conference, 18 February 2020, University of Melbourne, pp. 23-27. (2020) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Morton, R* and Greenham, LM* and Viecelli, AK* and Bennett, PN* and Jesudason, S* and Brown, C* and Handke, WA* and Mister, R* and Westall, P* and Simes, JR* and Jose, MD and Raj, R* and Choi, P* and Mount, P* and Laranjo, L* and Palmer, SC* and Salmon, A* and Tong, A* and Harris, DC* and Hawley, C* and Johnson, DW* and Mcdonald, SP*, “The Symptom Monitoring with Feedback Trial (Swift) Study Protocol: An Anzdata Registry-Based Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial Among Australian and New Zealand Adults Receiving Haemodialysis for Kidney Failure”, Nephrology, pp. 69. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Nejatian, A and Patel, A and Jose, M, “Clinical audit of kidney stone formers in Southern Tasmania”, 30 November - 02 December, Online, pp. 59-59. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
O'Mara, AR and King, AE and Vickers, JC and Kirkcaldie, MTK, “Poster 286 - ImageSURF: an ImageJ plugin for accurate and unbiased segmentation of fluorescent images”, 4-7 December, Hobart, Tasmania (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Patel, Bansari and Nejatian, A and Skeat, L and Kirkland, G and Jose, M, “A clinical audit of kidney transplant recipients with antibody mediated rejection in Southern Tasmania”, pp. 79-79. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, A and Giles, K* and Mercer, T* and Vickers, J and Robinson, M* and Taberlay, P and Woodhouse, A, “id #12216 - Dysregulation of the neuronal epigenome occurs prior to pathology-onset and alters with progressive amyloidosis”, 2-5 December, Adelaide Convention Centre (2019) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, A and Giles, K* and Mercer, T* and Vickers, JC and Robinson, M* and Taberlay, PC and Woodhouse, A, “Recapitulation of juvenile-like histone landscape in aged neurons”, 13-14 June 2019, Hobart, Tasmania (2019) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, A and Vickers, J and Mercer, G* and Woodhouse, A and Taberlay, P, “Poster 299 - Epigenetic dysregulation of critical gene regulatory elements in AD mice”, 4-7 December, Hobart, Tasmania (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, A and Woodhouse, A and Taberlay, P, “Poster 341 - Simultaneous alterations in nucleosome positions and DNA methylation predict epigenome-wide changes in Alzheimer's disease”, 4-7 December, Hobart, Tasmania (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, AJ and Vickers, JC and Taberlay, PC and Woodhouse, A, “Neurofilament-labelled pyramidal neurons and astrocytes are deficient in DNA methylation marks in Alzheimer's disease”, 12-14 November, Hobart, Tasmania (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Phipps, AJ and Vickers, JC and Taberlay, PC and Woodhouse, A, “No difference in DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation marks in cortical pyramidal neurons, interneurons and microglia in control, early- and late-stage sporadic AD cases”, 23-24 April, Queensland Brain Institute (St Lucia) (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Prior, S and Griffin, P and O'Brien, L and Van Dam, P, “Virtual projects: A learning and teaching strategy for maintaining connections during and post COVID-19”, Teaching Matters 2020, 1 December 2020, Tasmania (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Radford, J and Todd, A and Garrahy, E, “CKD identification and management: a realist evaluation of an audit-based intervention”, 14–15 August, Online, pp. iii–lxii. ISSN 1836-7399 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Rudolph, J* and Tan, S* and Butler-Henderson, K and Crawford, JA, “Higher Education in Singapore during Covid-19”, Transformations and Consequences in Society due to COVID-19 Pandemic Book of Abstracts, 05 September 2020, online from Pristina, Republic of Kosovo, pp. 27. (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Shiffman, S* and Scholl, SM* and Mao, JM* and Ferguson, S and Hedeker, D* and Tindle, HA*, “Situational factors associated with intermittent smokers' temptations to smoke and lapses during quitting”, SRNT 26th Annual Meeting, 11-14 March 2020, New Orleans (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Tesch, L and Ayton, J and Kirkland, G and Forbes, A and Jose, M, “Stories and journeys: understanding the experience of living with kidney disease and receiving hemodialysis through storytelling”, pp. 28-29. ISSN 1320-5358 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thrasher, J* and Cho, Y* and Lambert, V* and Niederpeppe, J* and Hammond, D* and Ferguson, S, “How can cigarette package inserts promote smoking cessation? Testing mediation in an ecological momentary assessment study”, SRNT 26th Annual Meeting, 11-14 March 2020, 11-14 March 2020 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Tran, Q* and Herlihy, D* and Tran, V and Puttaswamy, V*, “Medical management of blood pressure and heart rate in acute type b aortic dissections: a single quaternary Centre perspective”, pp. 22-22. ISSN 1742-6731 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Tran, Q* and Herlihy, D* and Tran, V and Puttaswamy, V*, “Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms a study of prevalence, associated comorbidities, intervention techniques and mortality”, pp. 39-39. ISSN 1742-6731 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Tran, V and Church, R and Couser, G, “The Hobart Statement”, pp. 27-27. ISSN 1742-6731 (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Van Dam, P and Griffin, P and O'Brien, L and Prior, S, “A reflection on six years of healthcare redesign: Lesson learned”, ‘Redesigning the Future of Health’ Symposium, 7 March 2020, Hobart, Tasmania (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Van Dam, P and Griffin, P and O'Brien, L and Prior, S, “A reflection on six years of healthcare redesign: Lesson learned”, ‘Redesigning the Future of Health’ Symposium, 7 March 2020, Hobart, Tasmania (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Young, S and Campbell, S and Frandsen, M and Mather, C, “An examination of influences on women's mental wellbeing after childbirth in Tasmania: implications for future policy and practice”, Tasmanian Nursing and Midwifery Conference, 20-21 February 2020, Hobart, Tasmania (2020) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Contract Report, Consultant's Report
Zosky, GR and Norris, K and Woods, G and Flies, A, RTA in a COVID-19 Environment, Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), Tasmania, Australia (2020) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Zosky, GR, Review of medical assessments R156 and R348: Health effects of sediments and visible particles present in albumin preparations, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia (2019) [Consultants Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Nash, RE, “Bringing students to their profession and the profession to students through Competency Standards” (2016) [PhD] [Full Text] [Detail]
Russell, AM and Ottavi, T and Landowski, L and Sutherland, B and Howells, D and van Luijk, J, “Untangling the effects of surgery and anaesthesia on a vasoconstrictive model of cerebral ischaemia”, PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42020218550 (2020) [Entry] [Full Text] [Detail]
Russell, AM and Landowski, L and Sutherland, B and Howells, D, “Separating surgery from stroke: the effects of surgical severity on photothrombotic animal models of cerebral ischaemia”, PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews, CRD42019115429 (2019) [Entry] [Full Text] [Detail]
Other Public Output
Crocombe, L and Bettiol, S and Khan, S, “Talking Point: Betel nut habit on track to escalate Tassie’s cancer rates”, The Mercury, Australia, 8 February 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Ferguson, S, “'ARCS Refresher GCP Training E6(R2)', ARCS Australia” (2018) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]
Flies, AS and Patchett, AL and Lyons, B and Woods, G, “We developed tools to study cancer in Tasmanian devils. They could help fight disease in humans”, The Conversation, online, 2 July 2020 (2020) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Catching Opportunity”, Women of the Island (2020) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Coronavirus isolation affects your brain — a neuroscientist explains how, and what to do about it”, ABC News - ABC Health & Wellbeing, 8 May 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Diversity in STEM boosts Australia”, Australia's Science Channel, Royal Institution of Australia, online, November 14 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM and Howells, DW and Bannach Brown, A* and O'Malley, A*, “Improving the stroke drug 'bottleneck'”, ABC On Health Report with Dr Norman Swan, 19 September 2019 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Inspirational Australians by Awards Australia”, https://awardsaustralia.com/category-podcast/https-omny-fm-shows-inspirational-australians-episode-11-a-chat-with-lila-landowski/, online (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Lockdown 2.0: What's Happening To Your Brain And Mental Health?”, Mamamia, online, 20 July 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Talking Point: Can’t focus? Nightmares? Fix COVID brain fade”, The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, 30 May 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Talking Point: Tasmania is missing one top job”, The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, 20 August 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “The impact of stress and isolation on the brain”, UTAS Alumni Talks: 'Explore series', 23 June 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Landowski, LM, “Heartbreak pain is like physical pain to the brain”, ABC Radio National with Robyn Williams, 30 Nov 2019 (2019) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Moore, R, “Secondary school textbooks teach our kids the myth that Aboriginal Australians were nomadic hunter-gatherers”, The Conversation, online, 3 August 2020 (2020) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Moore, R, “History textbooks still imply that Australians are white”, The Conversation, online, 12 June (2017) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Nash, R, “Australia’s 2020 Churchill Fellowship Award”, Winston Churchill Trust, Australia, Australia (2020) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]
Nash, R and Cruickshank, V and Patterson, K and Kemp, N and Elmer, S, “CSIRO ON PRIME Facilitators Performance Bonus $2000: Healthlit4Kids Team” (2020) [Award] [Detail]
Nash, R, “To ascertain if health literacy should be treated as a health, education and community issue”, Churchill Fellowship, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (2020) [Award] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S, “Just how are people ‘vulnerable’ to VAD law?”, The Australian, 14 December 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]
Pridmore, S, “The votes have it”, The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, 3 November 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pridmore, S, “VAD for changing world”, The Mercury, Hobart, Australia, 15 October 2020 (2020) [Newspaper Article] [Detail]
Sharman, J and Nelson, M and Schlaich, M*, “How to manage your blood pressure in isolation”, The Conversation, online, 23 April 2020 (2020) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Sohal, SS, “University of Tasmania researcher Dr Sukhwinder Singh Sohal says smokers at higher risk from COVID-19”, Camden Haven Courier, online, 24 March 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Sohal, SS and Barnsley, K, “University of Tasmania researcher Dr Sukhwinder Singh Sohal says smokers at higher risk from COVID-19”, Forbes Advocate, online, 24 March 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]
Sohal, SS and Barnsley, K, “University of Tasmania researcher Dr Sukhwinder Singh Sohal says smokers at higher risk from COVID-19”, Queensland Country Life, online, 24 March 2020 (2020) [Media Interview] [Detail]

* This author is not affiliated with the University of Tasmania.