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Research Report 2017 - Education

Journal Article
Abbott-Chapman, J and Johnston, R and Jetson, T, “Rural parents’ school choices: affective, instrumental and structural influences”, Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 27 (3) pp. 126-141. ISSN 1839-7387 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Allen, JM* and Wright, S and Cranston, N and Watson, J and Beswick, K and Hay, I, “Raising levels of school student engagement and retention in rural, regional and disadvantaged areas: is it a lost cause?”, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22 (4) pp. 409-425. doi:10.1080/13603116.2017.1370737 ISSN 1360-3116 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bhandari, RB, “Social capital in disaster risk management; a case study of social capital mobilization following the 1934 Kathmandu Valley earthquake in Nepal”, Disaster Prevention and Management, 23 (4) pp. 314-328. doi:10.1108/DPM-06-2013-0105 ISSN 0965-3562 (2014) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Botelho, MG* and Lam, OLT* and Watt, RM* and Leung, DYP* and Kember, D, “Evaluation of peer-generated MCQs to assess and support learning in a problem-based learning programme”, European Journal of Dental Education, 22 (3) pp. e358-e363. doi:10.1111/eje.12304 ISSN 1396-5883 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Bown, A, “Elaborative feedback to enhance online second language reading comprehension”, English Language Teaching, 10 (12) pp. 164-171. doi:10.5539/elt.v10n12p164 ISSN 1916-4742 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Brett, P, “‘An engaging and different experience’: blog posting in a humanities and social sciences teacher education unit”, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 5 (2) pp. 1-13. ISSN 2147-6454 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Calder, N* and Murphy, C, Special Issue: Mobile technologies and learning, 17 (2) doi:10.15663/tandc.v17i2 ISSN 2382-0349 (2017) [Edited Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Calder, N* and Murphy, C, “Introduction to special issue: Mobile technologies and learning”, Teachers and Curriculum, 17 (2) pp. 3-5. doi:10.15663/tandc.v17i2.321 ISSN 2382-0349 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Callingham, R and Watson, JM, “The development of statistical literacy at school”, Statistics Education Research Journal, 16 (1) pp. 181-201. ISSN 1570-1824 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Carmichael, C* and Callingham, R and Anderson, J*, “Introduction to MERJ special issue, “Theoretical foundations of engagement in mathematics: empirical studies from the field””, Mathematics Education Research Journal pp. 1-2. doi:10.1007/s13394-017-0207-5 ISSN 1033-2170 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Carmichael, C* and Muir, T and Callingham, R, “The impact of within-school autonomy on students’ goal orientations and engagement with mathematics”, Mathematics Education Research Journal, 29 (2) pp. 219-236. doi:10.1007/s13394-017-0200-z ISSN 1033-2170 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Carmichael, C* and Callingham, R and Watt, HMG*, “Classroom motivational environment influences on emotional and cognitive dimensions of student interest in mathematics”, ZDM, 49 (3) pp. 449-460. doi:10.1007/s11858-016-0831-7 ISSN 1863-9690 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chick, H and Beswick, K, “Teaching teachers to teach Boris: a framework for mathematics teacher educator pedagogical content knowledge”, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 21 (5) pp. 475-499. doi:10.1007/s10857-016-9362-y ISSN 1386-4416 (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chin, CKH and Fluck, A and Chong, CL and Penesis, I and Ranmuthugala, D and Coleman, B, “Higher order thinking through Calculus for Kids”, Journal of Digital Learning and Teaching Victoria, 4 (1) pp. 26-31. ISSN 2205-3611 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chown, N* and Robinson, J* and Beardon, L* and Downing, J and Hughes, L* and Leatherland, J* and Fox, K* and Hickman, L* and MacGregor, D*, “Improving research about us, with us: a draft framework for inclusive autism research”, Disability and Society, 32 (5) pp. 720-734. doi:10.1080/09687599.2017.1320273 ISSN 0968-7599 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, M and Forsey, M*, “Rural youth out-migration and education: challenges to aspirations discourse in mobile modernity”, Discourse, 38 (3) pp. 429-444. doi:10.1080/01596306.2017.1308456 ISSN 0159-6306 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, M and Donehower, K*, “Rural literacies: toward social cartography”, Journal of Research in Rural Education, 32 (5) pp. 1-13. ISSN 1551-0670 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, M and Brett, P and Hawkins, C-L, “What we're about out here: the resilience and relevance of school farms in rural Tasmania”, Journal of Research in Rural Education, 32 (4) pp. 1-12. ISSN 1551-0670 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, M and Helmer, L*, “Contested geographies: competing constructions of community and efficiency in small school debates”, Geographical Research, 55 (1) pp. 47-57. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12209 ISSN 1745-5871 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, M and Fraser, S and Reaburn, R and Smith, H and Roberts, J* and Fielding-Wells, J*, “Building a new generation: Community expectations on raising aspirations in rural Tasmania”, Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 27 (3) pp. 8-24. ISSN 1839-7387 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, Michael John and Roberts, P*, “A Small Place: Education in Rural Tasmania”, Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 27 (3) pp. 1-8. ISSN 1036-0026 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “Followership in the school context”, Open Journal of Leadership, 6 (3) pp. 95-103. doi:10.4236/ojl.2017.63006 ISSN 2167-7743 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “The influence of school leadership on student outcomes”, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (9) pp. 115-123. doi:10.4236/jss.2017.59009 ISSN 2327-5952 (2017) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Downing, JJ, “Design principles for applied learning: bringing theory and practice together in an online VET teacher-education degree”, International Journal of Training Research, 15 (1) pp. 85-102. doi:10.1080/14480220.2017.1313756 ISSN 1448-0220 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Downing, JJ, “VET teaching and teacher education”, International Journal of Training Research, 15 (1) pp. 1-3. doi:10.1080/14480220.2017.1358893 ISSN 1448-0220 (2017) [Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fan, L and Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, Si, “A critical examination of the seafaring English education and training in China”, Marine Policy, 86 pp. 56-63. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2017.09.013 ISSN 0308-597X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fan, L and Fei, J and Schriever, U and Fan, S, “The communicative competence of Chinese seafarers and their employability in the international maritime labour market”, Marine Policy, 83 pp. 137-145. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.035 ISSN 0308-597X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fan, S and Radford, J and Fabian, D, “digiMe: An Online Portal to Support Connectivity through E-Learning in Medical Education”, Informatics, 4 (3) Article 30. doi:10.3390/informatics4030030 ISSN 2227-9709 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fischer, S and Katersky Barnes, R and Kilpatrick, S, “Equipping parents to support their children’s higher education aspirations: a design and evaluation tool”, Educational Review, 71 (2) pp. 198-217. doi:10.1080/00131911.2017.1379472 ISSN 0013-1911 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fitzallen, NE and Watson, JM and Wright, S, “The heat is on! Using a stylised graph to engender understanding”, Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 22 (2) pp. 3-7. ISSN 1326-0286 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fleming, D and Lovat, T* and Douglas, B*, “Theology in the public square of Australian higher education”, Journal of Adult Theological Education, 12 (1) pp. 30-42. doi:10.1179/1740714115Z.00000000034 ISSN 1740-7141 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fluck, A and Field, B*, “3D printing at Lansdowne Crescent”, Australian Educational Computing, 37 (1) pp. 1-2. ISSN 0816-9020 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fluck, A and Smith, T*, “Navigating towards Digital Technologies at Montagu Bay Primary”, Australian Educational Computing, 32 (1) pp. 1-3. ISSN 0816-9020 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fluck, A and Adebayo, OS* and Abdulhamid, SM*, “Secure e-examination systems compared: case studies from two countries”, Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice, 16 pp. 107-125. doi:10.28945/3705 ISSN 2165-3151 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gilmore, L* and Cuskelly, M, “Associations of child and adolescent mastery motivation and self-regulation with adult outcomes: a longitudinal study of individuals with Down syndrome”, American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 122 (3) pp. 235-246. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-122.3.235 ISSN 1944-7515 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grant, R and Nash, M, “Navigating unintelligibility: queer Australian young women’s negotiations of safe sex and risk”, Journal of Health Psychology, 23 (2) pp. 306-319. doi:10.1177/1359105317741658 ISSN 1359-1053 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Watt, A*, “A motivational model of physical education and links to enjoyment, knowledge, performance, total physical activity and body mass index”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 16 (3) pp. 318-327. ISSN 1303-2968 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Watt, A* and Liukkonen, J* and Jaakkola, T*, “Effects of school-based physical activity program on students’ moderate to vigorous physical activity and perceptions of physical competence”, Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 14 (6) pp. 455-464. doi:10.1123/jpah.2016-0244 ISSN 1543-3080 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Yli-Piipari, S* and Watt, A* and Jaakkola, T* and Liukkonen, J*, “Effectiveness of school-initiated physical activity program on secondary school students’ physical activity participation”, Journal of School Health, 85 (2) pp. 125-134. doi:10.1111/josh.12228 ISSN 0022-4391 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Watt, A* and Hagger, M* and Jaakkola, T* and Liukkonen, J*, “Secondary school students’ physical activity participation across physical education classes: the expectancy-value theory approach”, Physical Educator: A Magazine for The Profession, 72 (2) pp. 340-358. ISSN 0031-8981 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Children’s segment specific moderate to vigorous physical activity through a school-initiated physical activity program”, Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 7 (2) pp. 19-32. ISSN 2080-1297 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Children's segment specific light physical activity across two years of schoolbased program”, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15 (1) Article 15. doi:10.7752/jpes.2015.01015 ISSN 2247-8051 (2015) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Jaakkola, T* and Liukkonen, J* and Watt, A* and Yli-Piipari, S*, “Prediction of enjoyment in school physical education”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11 (2) pp. 260-269. ISSN 1303-2968 (2012) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Watt, A* and Jaakkola, T* and Liukkonen, J*, “Directly measured and self-reported physical activity in a sample of Finnish secondary school students”, Advances in Physical Education, 2 (3) pp. 132-138. doi:10.4236/ape.2012.23023 ISSN 2164-0386 (2012) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Gube, JCC and Getenet, ST and Satariyan, A and Muhammad, Y, “Towards “operating within” the field: doctoral students’ views of supervisors’ discipline expertise”, International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 12 pp. 1-16. ISSN 1556-8881 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Guyver, R, “Curriculum debates as public history: Australia”, Public History Weekly, 5 (17) pp. 1-6. doi:10.1515/phw-2017-9190 ISSN 2197-6376 (2017) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hall, A and Turner, L and Irvine, L and Kilpatrick, S, “Pasture management and extension on Tasmanian dairy farms - who measures up?”, Rural extension and innovation systems journal, 13 (2) pp. 32-40. ISSN 2204-8758 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hawkins, C, “Do aspirations really matter?”, Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 27 (3) pp. 39-54. ISSN 1839-7387 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hopwood, B and Hay, I and Dyment, J, “Students' reading achievement during the transition from primary to secondary school”, Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 40 (1) pp. 46-58. ISSN 1038-1562 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Howells, K and Stafford, KE and Guijt, R and Breadmore, M, “The role of gratitude in enhancing the relationship between doctoral research students and their supervisors”, Teaching in Higher Education, 22 (6) pp. 621-638. doi:10.1080/13562517.2016.1273212 ISSN 1356-2517 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hunter, MA, “Drama education and its necessary disruptions”, NJ: Drama Australia Journal, 40 (2) pp. 141-145. doi:10.1080/14452294.2016.1276675 ISSN 1445-2294 (2017) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hynes, KL and Otahal, P and Burgess, JR and Oddy, WH and Hay, I, “Reduced educational outcomes persist into adolescence following mild iodine deficiency in utero, despite adequacy in childhood: 15-year follow-up of the gestational iodine cohort investigating auditory processing speed and working memory”, Nutrients, 9 (12) Article 1354. doi:10.3390/nu9121354 ISSN 2072-6643 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Jaakkola, T* and Linnamo, V* and Woo, MT* and Davids, K* and Piirainen, JM* and Grasten, A and Liukkonen, J*, “Effects of training on postural control and agility when wearing socks of different compression levels”, Biomedical Human Kinetics, 9 (1) pp. 107-114. doi:10.1515/bhk-2017-0016 ISSN 2080-2234 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kenny, J and Fluck, AE, “Towards a methodology to determine standard time allocations for academic work”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 39 (5) pp. 503-523. doi:10.1080/1360080X.2017.1354773 ISSN 1469-9508 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kenny, JDJ and Fluck, A, “Research workloads”, Advocate, 24 (3) pp. 34-35. ISSN 1329-7295 (2017) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kerby, M* and MacDonald, A and McDonald, J* and Baguley, M*, “The museum diorama: Caught between art and history”, Australian Art Education, 38 (2) pp. 354-371. ISSN 1032-1942 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kerby, MC* and Baguley, MM* and MacDonald, AJ, “And the band played Waltzing Matilda: Australian picture books (1999-2016) and the First World War”, Children's Literature in Education: An International Quarterly, 50 pp. 91-109 . doi:10.1007/s10583-017-9337-3 ISSN 0045-6713 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kerby, MC* and Baguley, M* and MacDonald, A and Lynch, Z*, “A war imagined: Gallipoli and the art of children’s picture books”, Australian Art Education, 38 (1) pp. 199-216. ISSN 1032-1942 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kidmas, L and Ashman, G and Short, M, “My friends were there for me: exploring the pedagogical adaptations of secondary Nigerian-Australian students in Tasmania”, Australasian Review of African Studies, 38 (1) pp. 65-85. doi:10.22160/22035184/ARAS-2017-38-1/65-85 ISSN 1447-8420 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Leppard, LJ, “Leading in complexity: the sleeping innovation”, Australian Educational Leader, 38 (3) pp. 26-29. ISSN 1832-8245 (2016) [Professional, Non Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Liukkonen, J* and Jaakkola, T* and Kokko, S* and Grasten, A and Yli-Piipari, S* and Koski, P* and Tynjala, T* and Soini, A* and Stahl, T* and Tammelin, T*, “Results From Finland’s 2014 report card on physical activity for children and youth”, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2014 (11 S1) pp. S51-S57. doi:10.1123/jpah.2014-0168 ISSN 1543-3080 (2014) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Livy, S* and Muir, TA and Downton, A*, “Connecting pre-service teachers with contemporary mathematics practices: Selecting and sequencing students’ work samples”, Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 22 (4) pp. 17-21. ISSN 1326-0286 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Livy, S* and Downton, A* and Muir, T, “Developing pre-service teachers’ knowledge for teaching in the early years: Selecting and sequencing”, Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (Online), 19 (3) pp. 17-35. ISSN 2203-1499 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Lombard, S and F, J and Pullen, D and Swabey, K, “Conceptualizing trauma for children of drug addicted mothers: a developmental mapping”, Journal of Trauma & Treatment, 6 (1) Article 1000352. doi:10.4172/2167-1222.1000352 ISSN 2167-1222 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Lombard, S and F, J and Swabey, K and Pullen, D, “Endogenous and exogenous problems in children of addicted mothers”, Pediatric Dimensions, 2 (2) pp. 1-6. doi:10.15761/PD.1000142 ISSN 2397-950X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Lu, J and Woodcock, S* and Jiang, H*, “Investigation of Chinese university students’ attributions of English language learning”, SAGE Open, 4 (4) pp. 1-15. doi:10.1177/2158244014562391 ISSN 2158-2440 (2014) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and Cruickshank, V, “Good teachers grow: Disrupting negative depictions of teachers through relational a/r/tographic inquiry”, Australian Art Education, 38 (2) pp. 319-338. ISSN 1032-1942 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and Cruickshank, V, “From the wing chair: Stories from and about the experience of living and working in a Tasmanian boarding school”, International Journal of Practice Based Humanities, 2 (1) pp. 1-22. ISSN 2207-3086 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and McMahon, J, “The Relational Art Inquiry Tool: Supporting participants and researchers from non-Arts backgrounds to engage in and with a/r/tography”, Revista VIS: Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 16 (2) pp. 373-396. ISSN 2447-2484 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ and Baguley, MM and Kerby, MC*, “Collaboration as metaphoric construct and guiding practice in art-making and teaching: A multimodal rendering”, Studies in Art Education, 58 (4) pp. 312-324. doi:10.1080/00393541.2017.1368290 ISSN 0039-3541 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, “A diptych of dilemma: becoming an artist and a teacher”, International Journal of Education Through Art, 13 (2) pp. 163-177. doi:10.1386/eta.13.2.163_1 ISSN 1743-5234 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Martinez-Luaces, V* and Oates, GN, Special section on the teaching and learning of calculus, 44 (5) ISSN 0020-739X (2013) [Edited Journal] [Detail]
Martinez-Luaces, V* and Oates, GN, “Foreword”, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 44 (5) pp. 621-623. doi:10.1080/0020739X.2013.814949 ISSN 0020-739X (2013) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
McGannon, KR* and McMahon, JA and Price, J*, “Becoming an athlete father: a media analysis of first time father tennis star Andy Murray and the implications for identity”, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16 (6) pp. 670-687. doi:10.1080/1612197X.2017.1313296 ISSN 1612-197X (2018) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
McGannon, KR* and McMahon, J and Gonsalves, CA*, “Mother runners in the blogosphere: a discursive psychological analysis of online recreational athlete identities”, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 28 pp. 125-135. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2016.11.002 ISSN 1469-0292 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
McLean, SA* and Wertheim, EH* and Masters, J and Paxton, SJ*, “A pilot evaluation of a social media literacy intervention to reduce risk factors for eating disorders”, International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50 (7) pp. 847-851. doi:10.1002/eat.22708 ISSN 0276-3478 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
McMahon, J and McGannon, KR* and Zehntner, C, “I am fast but I do not fit: an autoethnography of a swimmer’s experiences of ‘competitive performance’ stigma in two sporting contexts”, Sport Education and Society, 24 (3) pp. 283-297. doi:10.1080/13573322.2017.1348941 ISSN 1357-3322 (2019) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
McMahon, J and Zehntner, C and McGannon, K*, “Fleshy, female and forty: A docudrama of a former elite swimmer who re-immersed herself into elite swimming culture”, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 9 (5) pp. 546-553. doi:10.1080/2159676X.2017.1340328 ISSN 2159-676X (2017) [Contribution to Refereed Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
McMahon, J and MacDonald, A and Owton, H*, “A/r/tographic inquiry in sport and exercise research: a pilot study examining methodology versatility, feasibility and participatory opportunities”, Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 9 (4) pp. 403-417. doi:10.1080/2159676X.2017.1311279 ISSN 2159-676X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
McMahon, JA and McGannon, KR* and Zehntner, C, “Slim to win: an ethnodrama of three elite swimmers' 'presentation of self' in relation to a dominant cultural ideology”, Sociology of Sport Journal, 34 (2) pp. 108-123. doi:10.1123/ssj.2015-0166 ISSN 0741-1235 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Millar, P, “The tension between emotive/aesthetic and analytic/scientific motifs in the work of amateur visual documenters of Antarctica’s Heroic Era”, Polar Record, 53 (3) pp. 245-256. doi:10.1017/S003224741700002X ISSN 0032-2474 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Mills, M and te Riele, K and McGregor, G* and Baroutsis, A*, “Teaching in alternative and flexible education settings”, Teaching Education, 28 (1) pp. 8-11. doi:10.1080/10476210.2016.1263613 ISSN 1047-6210 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Mohan, PP and Chand, DD and Lingam, GI*, “Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of professional development on learning and teaching in a developing nation”, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 42 (11) pp. 18-33. doi:10.14221/ajte.2017v42n11.2 ISSN 1835-517X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Mohan, PP and Lingam, GI* and Chand, DD, “An investigation of teachers’ professional development practices in a rural Fijian secondary school”, Waikato Journal of Education, 22 (4) pp. 89-97. doi:10.15663/wje.v22i4.540 ISSN 2382-0373 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Mohan, PP and Lingam, GI* and Chand, DD, “A comparative study of rural and urban teachers’ perceptions of professional development”, Waikato Journal of Education, 22 (4) pp. 79-87. doi:10.15663/wje.v22i4 ISSN 2382-0373 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muhammad, Y* and Brett, P, “Some challenges in teaching citizenship in an Islamic context: Pakistan Studies teachers’ perspectives and practices in relation to teaching about identity”, Citizenship Teaching & Learning, 12 (3) pp. 279-298. doi:10.1386/ctl.12.3.279_1 ISSN 1751-1917 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muir, T, “Flipping the mathematics classroom: affordances and motivating factors”, The Mathematics Educator, 17 (1 & 2) pp. 105-130. ISSN 0218-9100 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muir, T and Fielding-Wells, J* and Chick, H, “Developing an understanding of what constitutes mathematics teacher educator PCK: A case study of a collaboration between two teacher educators”, The Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online), 42 (12) pp. 60-79. doi:10.14221/ajte.2017v42n12.4 ISSN 1835-517X (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muir, TA and Watson, JM, “Teachable moments: Anticipating and capitalising on mathematical opportunities”, Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 22 (4) pp. 29-32. ISSN 1326-0286 (2017) [Professional, Refereed Article] [Detail]
Oates, G and Neide, IG* and Borba, MC*, “Foreword - Brazil Delta 2017: the romantic path of mathematics”, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48 (S1) pp. S1-S3. doi:10.1080/0020739X.2017.1376512 ISSN 0020-739X (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Oates, G and Neide, IG* and Borba, MC*, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology: Brazil Delta 2017 Conference Special Issue, 48 (S1) pp. S1-S80. ISSN 0020-739X (2017) [Edited Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Opoku, MP and Agbenyega, J* and F, J and Mprah, WK* and McKenzie, J* and Badu, E*, “Decade of inclusive education in Ghana: perspectives of special educators”, Journal of Social Inclusion, 8 (1) pp. 4-20. doi:10.36251/josi.114 ISSN 1836-8808 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Owen, C and Krusel, N* and Bearman, C* and Brooks, B, “From research outcome to agency change: mapping a learning trajectory of opportunities and challenges”, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 32 (4) pp. 42-46. ISSN 1324-1540 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Owen, C, “Country Fire Authority establishes an evidence base to guide future leadership development”, Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 24 (4) pp. 14. ISSN 1324-1540 (2017) [Letter or Note in Journal] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pedersen, SJ and Cooley, PD and Cruickshank, VJ, “Caution regarding exergames: a skill acquisition perspective”, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22 (3) pp. 246-256. doi:10.1080/17408989.2016.1176131 ISSN 1742-5786 (2017) [Refereed Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
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Muir, T and Livy, S* and Bragg, L* and Clark, J and Wells, Jill and Attard, C*, Engaging with Mathematics through Picture Books, Teaching Solutions, Australia, pp. 96. ISBN 978-1-925145-17-5 (2017) [Authored Other Book] [Full Text] [Detail]
Sinclair, C* and Jeanneret, N* and O'Toole, J* and Hunter, M, Education in the Arts, Oxford University Press Australia, Australia, pp. 400. ISBN 9780195527940 (2017) [Edited Book] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chapter in Book
Anjarwati, E, “Storytelling as a means for healing children's trauma: Peace education in Southern Thailand”, Trauma, memory and transformation: Southeast Asian experiences, Strategic information and research development centre, Malaysia, S.A. Bong (ed), Malaysia, pp. 99-122. ISBN 978-967-0630-22-9 (2014) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Beswick, K, “Raising attainment: what might we learn from teachers’ beliefs about their best and worst mathematics students?”, Teaching and Learning in Maths Classrooms, Springer International Publishing, C Andrà, D Brunetto, E Levenson, P Liljedahl (ed), Switzerland, pp. 95-106. ISBN 978-3-319-49231-5 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cox, P* and Waldrip, BG and Prain, V*, “Personalising mathematics for low SES students in schools with open-plan settings”, Personalising Learning in Open-Plan Schools, Sense Publishers, V Prain, P Cox, C Deed, D Edwards, C Farrelly, M Keeffe, V Lovejoy, L Mow, P Sellings, B Waldrip, (ed), Rotterdam, pp. 121-142. ISBN 978-94-6300-191-5 (2015) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Douglas, JM, “The role of affect in individual and collective performance in a sociocultural context”, Human Factors Challenges in Emergency Management: Enhancing Individual and Team Performance in Fire and Emergency Services, Ashgate, C Owen (ed), United States, pp. 79-96. ISBN 9781409453055 (2014) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
Dyment, J and Bell, A* and Green, M*, “Green outdoor environments: Settings for promoting children's health and wellbeing”, Outdoor Learning Environments: Spaces for exploration, discovery and risk-taking in the early years, Allen and Unwin Academic, H Little, S Elliott and S Wyver (ed), Australia, pp. 38-58. ISBN 9781760296858 (2017) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dyment, JE and Emery, SG and Doherty, BT and Eckhardt, M*, “Move Well Eat Well: Case study of a successful settings-based approach to health promotion”, Health and wellbeing in childhood, Cambridge University Press, S Garvis, D Prendergast (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 283-298. ISBN 9781316623008 (2017) [Revised Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Emery, SG and Davis, JM* and Sageidet, BM* and Hirst, N* and Boyd, D* and Browder, JK*, “Transnational dialogues for sustainability research in early childhood education: a model for building capacity for ESD in universities?”, Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Springer International Publishing, WL Filho, C Skanavis, A do Paço, J Rogers, O Kuznetsova, P Castro (ed), Switzerland, pp. 143-156. ISBN 978-3-319-47888-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fluck, A and Hillier, M*, “eExams: strength in diversity”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 409-417. ISBN 978-3-319-74309-7 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fluck, AE and Ranmuthugala, D and Chin, CKH and Penesis, I and Chong, J and Yang, Y, “Large Effect Size Studies of Computers in Schools: Calculus for Kids and Science-ercise”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 70-80. ISBN 978-3-319-74310-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Guenther, J and Arvier, AJ, “Mobile family resource service for parents and young children”, Rural Child Health: International Aspects, Nova Science Publishers, E Bell and J Merrick (ed), New York, NY, pp. 125-133. ISBN 978-160876357-3 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Howells, KM, “The use of dialogical inquiry to acknowledge diversity when researching gratitude in indigenous cultures”, SAGE Research Methods Cases, Sage Publications Inc, United Kingdom, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9781473997851 (2017) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hunter, M and Brown, R*, “What can mindful educators learn from artists who work with children?”, Education in the Arts, Oxford University Press Australia, C Sinclair, N Jeanneret, J O'Toole, M Hunter (ed), Australia, pp. 239-250. ISBN 9780190304089 (2017) [Revised Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hunter, MA and MacDonald, A, “Dark Play: On an Alternative Politics of Aspiration”, Playing with Possibilities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, P O'Connor, C Gómez (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 16-33. ISBN 978-1-5275-0379-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Irwin, RL* and Pardinas, MJA* and Barney, DT* and Chen, JCH* and Dias, B* and Golparian, S* and MacDonald, A, “A/r/tography around the world”, The Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education, Macmillan Publishers Ltd, G Barton, M Baguley (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 475-496. ISBN 978-1-137-55584-7 (2017) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kameniar, B and Davies, LM* and Kinsman, J* and Reid, C* and Tyler, D* and Acquaro, D*, “Clinical praxis exams: linking academic study with professional practice knowledge”, A Companion to Research in Teacher Education, Springer, M Peters, B Cowie, I Menter (ed), Singapore, pp. 53-67. ISBN 978-981-10-4073-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kinnear, V* and Lai, MY* and Muir, T, “Forging Connections in Early Mathematics: Perspectives and Provocations”, Forging Connections in Early Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Springer Nature Singapore Pty Ltd, V Kinnear, MY Lai, T Muir (ed), Singapore, pp. 1-16. ISBN 978-981-10-7151-5 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Knowlton Cockett, PL* and Dyment, JE and Espinet, M* and Huang, Y*, “School Partnerships”, Urban Environmental Education Review, Cornell University Press, A Russ, ME Krasny (ed), USA, pp. 133-143. ISBN 9781501707759 (2017) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Liu, J* and Le, T, “The study of cultural identity in China English”, Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity: A Global Perspective, Nova Science Publishers, Q Le, T Le (ed), USA, pp. 51-58. ISBN 978-1-61209-602-5 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
Livy, S* and Muir, T and Herbert, S*, “Problem Solving with Mr. Splash”, Mathematics Lessons Learned from Across the World: Grades 7-12, The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc., JW Lott, CJ Lott (ed), USA, pp. 3-12. ISBN 978-0-87353-746-9 (2015) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Lovejoy, V* and Mow, L* and Edwards, D* and Waldrip, B and Prain, V*, “Adapting to teaching in open-plan up-scaled learning communities; Redesigning schooling”, Adapting to teaching and learning in open-plan schools, Sense Publishers, V Prain, P Cox, C Deed, D Edwards, C Farrelly, M Keeffe, V Lovejoy, L Mow, P Sellings, B Waldrip, (ed), The Netherlands, pp. 107-123. ISBN 978-94-6209-824-4 (2014) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
Muir, T, “Using Mathematics to Forge Connections Between Home and School”, Forging connections in early mathematics teaching and learning, Springer Nature Singapore Pty Ltd, V Kinnear, MY Lai, T Muir (ed), Singapore, pp. 173-190. ISBN 978-981-10-7151-5 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Mulford, B and Silins, H, “Leadership and organizational learning in schools”, Public Leadership, Nova Science Publishers, JA Ramírez (ed), USA, pp. 153-177. ISBN 978-161761461-3 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Ngo, TTB* and Unsworth, L, “Vietnamese person reference system as an appraisal resource”, Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity: A Global Perspective, Nova Science Publishers, Q Le, T Le (ed), USA, pp. 169-188. ISBN 978-1-61209-602-5 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
Nkwain, J* and Le, T, “Impoliteness and face: the pragmatics of insulting in Cameroon Pidgin English”, Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Identity: A Global Perspective, Nova Science Publishers, Q Le, T Le (ed), USA, pp. 227-238. ISBN 978-1-61209-602-5 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
O'Toole, J* and Hunter, M and Sinclair, C* and Jeanneret, N*, “Teaching with Art in Mind”, Education in the Arts, Oxford University Press Australia, C Sinclair, N Jeanneret, J O'Toole, M Hunter (ed), Australia, pp. 5-16. ISBN 9780190304089 (2017) [Revised Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Oates, GN and Evans, T*, “Research mathematicians and mathematics educators: Collaborating for professional development”, Focus on mathematics education research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, K Patterson (ed), USA, pp. 1-30. ISBN 978-1-53611-826-1 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Prain, V* and Cox, P* and Deed, C* and Edwards, D* and Farrelly, C* and Keeffe, M* and Lovejoy, V* and Mow, L* and Sellings, P* and Waldrip, BG, “Characterising Personalising Learning”, Personalising Learning in Open-Plan Schools, Sense Publishers, V Prain, P Cox, C Deed, D Edwards, C Farrelly, M Keeffe, V Lovejoy L Mow, P Sellings, B Waldrip (ed), Rotterdam, pp. 3-26. ISBN 978-94-6300-191-5 (2015) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Prain, V* and Cox, P* and Deed, C* and Edwards, D* and Farrelly, C* and Keeffe, M* and Lovejoy, V* and Mow, L* and Sellings, P* and Waldrip, BG, “Remaking schooling through open-plan settings: Some conclusions and the future”, Personalising Learning in Open-Plan Schools, Sense Publishers, V Prain, P Cox, C Deed, D Edwards, C Farrelly, M Keeffe, V Lovejoy, L Mow, P Sellings, B Waldrip, (ed), Rotterdam, pp. 221-230. ISBN 978-94-6300-191-5 (2015) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pullen, D and F, J and Bown, A and Swabey, K, “Human development and health promotion”, ifespan Development in an Educational Context: Edited Book, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd, J F,D Pullen, K Swabey, A Carroll, S Lombard, A Heath, Y Isreal-Cohen, P O' Grady, MP Garate, A Bown (ed), Australia, pp. 434-445. ISBN 9780730345619 (2017) [Other Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Raphael, J* and Hunter, M, “The Arts and Teaching for Diversity”, Education in the Arts, Oxford University Press Australia, C Sinclair, N Jeanneret, J O'Toole, M Hunter (ed), Australia, pp. 251-266. ISBN 9780190304089 (2017) [Revised Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Sellings, P* and Waldrip, BG and Prain, V* and Lovejoy, V*, “Using student voice in Social Studies/Humanities to personalise learning”, Personalising Learning in Open-Plan Schools, Sense Publishers, V Prain, P Cox, C Deed, D Edwards, C Farrelly, M Keeffe, V Lovejoy L Mow, P Sellings, B Waldrip (ed), Rotterdam, pp. 163-180. ISBN 978-94-6300-191-5 (2015) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Short, M, “An exploration of teachers' beliefs about grammar”, Language and Literacy Education in a Challenging World, Nova Science Publishers, T Le, Q Le, M Short (ed), USA, pp. 79-90. ISBN 978-1-61761-198-8 (2011) [Research Book Chapter] [Detail]
Stack, S, “Creating cultures of reflective learning in the emergency services: Two case studies”, Human Factors Challenges in Emergency Management: Enhancing Individual and Team Performance in Fire and Emergency Services, Ashgate, C Owen (ed), United Kingdom, pp. 195-218. ISBN 9781409453055 (2014) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, MOJ* and Hong, YY* and Oates, G, “Innovative uses of digital technology in undergraduate mathematics”, Innovation and technology enhancing mathematics education: Perspectives in the digital era, Springer International Publishing AG, E Faggiano, F Ferrara, A Montone (ed), Switzerland, pp. 109-136. ISBN 978-3-319-61487-8 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Watson, J and Fitzallen, N and Fielding-Wells, J* and Madden, S*, “The Practice of Statistics”, International Handbook of Research in Statistics Education, Springer, D Ben-Zvi, K Makar, J Garfield (ed), Switzerland, pp. 105-138. ISBN 978-3-319-66193-3 (2018) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Watson, J, “Open data in Australian schools: taking statistical literacy and the practice of statistics across the curriculum”, Data Visualization and Statistical Literacy for Open and Big Data, IGI Global, T Prodromou (ed), USA, pp. 29-54. ISBN 9781522525127 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Webb, M* and Bell, T* and Davis, N* and Katz, YJ* and Reynolds, N* and Chambers, DP* and Syslo, MM* and Fluck, A and Cox, M* and Angeli, C* and Malyn-Smith, J* and Voogt, J* and Zagami, J* and Micheuz, P* and Chtouki, Y* and Mori, N*, “Computer science in the school curriculum: issues and challenges”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 421-431. ISBN 978-3-319-74309-7 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Yeom, S and Fluck, A and Sale, A, “Evaluating acceptance of a haptic learning resource from various perspectives”, Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone, Springer Nature, A Tatnall, M Webb (ed), Switzerland, pp. 243-250. ISBN 978-3-319-74310-3 (2017) [Research Book Chapter] [Full Text] [Detail]
Aira, A* and Fogelholm, M* and Grasten, A and Jaakkola, T* and Kallio, J* and Kokko, S* and Koski, P* and Kamppi, K* and Liukkonen, J* and Paajanen, M* and Soini, A* and Stahl, T* and Suomi, K* and Tammelin, T* and Tynjala, J* and Villberg, J* and Yli-Piipari, S*, “Exercise for children and adolescents. Finland's Situation Survey 2014 and international comparison”, 2014 pp. 1-16. (2014) [Review Several Works] [Full Text] [Detail]
Conference Publication
Abbasi, A* and Hossain, L* and Owen, C, “Exploring the relationship between research impact and collaborations for information science”, Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2012), 4-7 January 2012, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 774-780. ISSN 1530-1605 (2012) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Alenezi, M, “Role of medium in impolite interaction: a study of Saudi Arabian youths' online commenting”, Abstract Booklet, 10th International Symposium on Politeness, 12-14 July 2017, York, England (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Alenezi, MQ and Kebble, PG, “Saudi Youths' Identity Construction Strategies in Online Communication: An Exploratory Study”, Program, 5th International Search Conference, 18-19 May 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Baguley, M* and Barton, G* and MacDonald, A and Hartwig, K*, “Teachers' curriculum stories: thematic perceptions and capacities”, AARE 2014 Proceedings, 29 September - 1 October 2014, Richmond, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2014) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Baguley, M* and Barton, G* and MacDonald, AJ, “An analysis of ARC funding for arts education: 2001 - 2012”, AARE 2013 Proceedings, 1-5 December 2013, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2013) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Balash, C and MacLean, G* and MacLean, D*, “Subsea-Asset Protection From Falling Objects Using Multi-Layered Shielding: a preliminary study”, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 25-30 June 2017, Trondheim, Norway, pp. 1-6. ISBN 978-0-7918-5770-0 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Beasy, KM and Peterson, CJ and Tomlinson, A and Tiernan, B, “Curriculum for the future: Sustainability is a must!”, Teaching Matters 2016 Conference Programme, 7 December 2016, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 8. (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Chand, DD and Kenny, JDJ and Fraser, SP, “Drawings as a vehicle for student generated representations to learning of sciences in Fijian primary schools”, ASERA 2017 Conference Book, 27-30 June 2017, Sydney, Australia, pp. 4. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cranston, NC, “Ethical dilemmas faced by school leaders: What are they? What challenges do they raise? How can they be 'managed'?”, Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership Change News, 9 November 2017, University of Hong Kong (2017) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, VJ, “Recruitment and retention of the male pre service primary teacher”, Proceedings of the 2011 AARE International Research in Education Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2011, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-2. ISSN 1324-9320 (2011) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Dargusch, J* and Lugg, A* and Barbousas, J* and Morrison, CM, “Accounts from the field: Working with school communities”, AARE 2017 Conference Papers, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia ISSN 1324-9320 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Doe, P and Jaikaran-Doe, S and Lyden, S and Ming, L* and Bingzhong, R* and Peng, Y* and Male, S*, “Intensive mode teaching for the delivery of engineering content to students at a Chinese university”, Proceedings of the 28th Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) Annual Conference, 10-13 December 2017, Manly, Australia, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-0-646-98026-3 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Downing, J, “Applied Learning design in an online VET Teacher Education course: A pedagogical framework that responds to the needs of mature-aged, employed students”, Vocational education and training in sub-Saharan Africa: Current situation and development, 23-25 August 2016, Windhoek, Namibia, pp. 83-92. ISBN 978-3-7639-5793-4 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Emery, SG and Nailon, DL, “Cultural wellbeing and respect for diversity in early childhood education”, Proceedings of the 69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference, 12-24 June 2017, Opatija, Croatia, pp. 47-66. ISBN 978-953-57634-1-3 (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Emery, SG, “Cultural wellbeing In education: Theorisations from a case study of a Tasmanian cultural arts program”, ECER 2017 Online Programme, 22-25 August 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 08 SES 07 JS. (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Emery, SG, “Arts and sustainability: Some outcomes from a one-day professional learning event presented by UTAS”, Teaching Matters Conference Proceeding, 4 December 2012, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 36. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
English, LD* and Watson, JM and Fitzallen, NE, “Fourth-graders’ meta-questioning in statistical investigations”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), 2-7 July 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 229-236. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
F, J and Fuller, A and Pullen, D and Swabey, K and Wicking, A* and Wicking, P*, “Intentionally building resilience: a Tasmania study”, AARE 2016 Proceedings, 27 November-1 December 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
F, J and Pullen, D and Swabey, K and Wicking, A*, “What makes the difference: Promoting resilience in school-aged students”, Pathways to Resilience IV: Global South Perspectives, 14-16 June 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 206. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
F, J and Pullen, D and Swabey, K, “Resilience and its relationship to delinquent behaviours: a South Australian study”, AARE 2016 Proceedings, 27 November-1 December 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2016) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
F, J and Fuller, A and Swabey, K and O'Grady, P* and Adams, K* and Wicking, A* and Wicking, P*, “Resilience: A report on 100,000 Australian school students”, AARE 2016 Proceedings, 27 November-1 December 2016, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1. ISSN 1324-9320 (2016) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
Fan, Si, “Learning analytics: a growing interest for big data analytics in Australian higher education”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on BigData Analysis and Data Mining, 7-8 September 2017, Paris, France (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fan, Si, “Using big data analytics to support online learning and teaching in higher education”, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 3-6 January 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii ISSN 1541-5880 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fischer, S and Barnes, R and Kilpatrick, S, “Equipping parents to support their children's higher education aspiration: an evaluation tool”, Parent Engagement Conference 2017 - programme, 6-8 June 2017, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, pp. 1. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fitzallen, N and Brown, N and Biggs, JB and Tang, Catherine, “Students' perceptions of constructive alignment: validation of a data collection instrument”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2017, 1-2 February 2017, Kuala Terengganu, pp. 19. (2017) [Plenary Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Fitzallen, NE, “Transforming the primary curriculum by modelling with data within STEM contexts”, Proceedings of Education Transforms 2017, 12-14 July 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 26. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Garate, MP* and F, J and Alarcon, H* and Johns, E* and Dombrovskaia, L* and Arenas, T*, “Resilience and educational achievement: A Chilean study”, Pathways to Resilience IV: Global South Perspectives, 14-16 June 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 287. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Detail]
Garvis, S* and MacDonald, AJ, “Arts-based research, wellbeing and A/r/tography: Developing individual capabilities”, 17th Biennial EARLI Conference on Research on Learning and Instruction Book of Abstracts, 29 August - 2 September 2017, Tampere, Finland, pp. 9-10. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Getenet, S* and Callingham, R, “Teaching fractions for understanding: addressing interrelated concepts”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 277-284. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Testing a motivational model of physical education on contextual outcomes and total moderate to vigorous physical activity of middle school students”, ICHKPEHE 2017 Proceedings, 10-11 July 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 1. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “An insight into Finnish sport education and research in sport sciences”, Proceedings of the Scientific Seminar on Education and Technology in Sports in Finland 2016, 15 January 2016, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pp. 1. (2016) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Students' perceived physical competence and physical activity engagement across one year of school-based program”, Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition. 18.-20.11.2015. Kisakallio, Finland., 18-20 November 2015, Kisakallio, Finland, pp. 1. (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Children’s segmented physical activity and sedentary time during school days, recess, out of school, and weekends across two school years”, Proceedings of the 3rd World Forum of Physical Education and School Sports, 18-21 November 2014, Havana, Cuba, pp. 1. (2014) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “The effects of a one-year school-based physical activity promotion in a sample secondary school students”, Program, AIESEP World Congress 2014, 10-13 February 2014, Auckland, New Zealand (2014) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Comparison of methods to measure physical activity in Finnish elementary school children”, Poster presentation, 1st World Conference on Personality, 19-23 March 2013, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2013) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Comparison of methods to measure physical activity in Finnish adolescents”, Programme of the International Congress on Enhancement of Physical Activity and Motor Skills (ICEPA 2012), 1-3 November 2012, Jyvaskyla, Finland, pp. 1. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A and Watt, A* and Jaakola, T* and Liukkonen, J*, “Directly measured and self-reported physical activity in a sample of Finnish secondary school students”, World Forum of Physical Education and School Sport 2012, 6-9 November 2012, Havana, Cuba (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Directly measured and self-reported physical activity in a sample of Finnish secondary school students”, Poster presentation, World Forum on Physical Education and School Sport 2012, 6-9 November 2012, Havana, Cuba (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Predictive role of exercise motivational determinants for objectively measured physical activity from grade six to upper secondary or vocational school – a three year follow-up study”, Proceedings of the physical activity and well being in children and adolescents course, 18-22 June 2012, Laurgavatn, Iceland, pp. 1. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Secondary school students’ directly measured physical activity in school physical education – The expectancy-value theory approach”, Proceedings of the 2012 North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Conference, 7-9 June 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 1-4. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Objectively measured and self-reported physical activity among Finnish secondary school students”, Proceedings of the 6th Asian - South Pacific Association for Sports Psychology (ASPASP) International Congress 2011, 11-14 November 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1. (2011) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hamra, J* and Hossain, L* and Owen, C, “Social network analysis of learning teams during emergency events”, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 28-30 June 2012, Anavissos,Greece, pp. 267-278. ISSN 0922-6389 (2012) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hay, I and Hynes, KL and Burgess, John and Otahal, P, “Learning Difficulties and Mild Iodine Deficiency”, Presentation at 41st Annual IARLD Conference, 5-7 July 2017, Brisbane, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hedayati, M and Reynolds, B and Bown, A, “Investigating CALL Teachers’ Contextualised Views of their Evolving Roles”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ICT for Language Learning, 9-10 November 2017, Florence, Italy, pp. 184-188. ISBN 978-88-6292-940-0 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “Running authentic e-exams”, Programme of the 12th annual Examinations Network Conference 2017, 6-7 September 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 36. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “The assessment triad and e-exams: integrity, authenticity and scalability”, Assessment Integrity and the Role of Examinations, 22 August 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hillier, M* and Fluck, A, “Transforming exams - how IT works for BYOD e-Exams”, Proceedings ASCILITE2017: 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education, 4-6 December 2017, Toowoomba, Australia, pp. 100-105. (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Hirst, N* and Boyd, D* and Browder, J* and Emery, SG, “Watery webs of interconnectedness: Water-ways as pedagogical sites”, Proceedings of the 69th OMEP World Assembly and International Conference, 19 - 24 June 2017, Opatija, Croatia ISBN 978-953-57634-1-3 (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kezabu, LK, “Re-discovery of the Kiganda indigenous plants”, Proceedings of the 9th World Environmental Education Congress, 9-15 September 2017, Vancouver, Canada (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kezabu, LK, “Blinded to reality and responsibility; an education of boredom in post-colonial Africa”, Programme of the African Literature Association 42nd Annual Conference, 6-9 April 2016, Atlanta, USA, pp. 25. (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kidmas, L and Ashman, GI and Short, M, “I felt a part of the class…. The journey of a group of Nigerian migrant secondary students from isolation to integration”, Proceedings of the NZARE Annual Conference 2017, 20-22 November 2017, Waikato, New Zealand, pp. 1. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kilpatrick, SI and Johns, SM and Katersky Barnes, RS and McLennan, D and Fischer, S and Magnussen, KY, “Exploring the retention & success of students with disability”, Webinar: Exploring the retention and success of students with disability, 25 May 2016, Australia, pp. 1-3. (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Liukkonen, J* and Grasten, A and Jaakola, T* and Tammelin, T* and Kokko, S* and Yli-Piipari, S* and Koski, P* and Tynjala, J* and Soini, A*, “Results from Finland's 2014 report card on physical activity for children and youth”, Program, 1st Scientific Conference on Motor Skill Acquisition, 18-20 November 2015, Kisakallio, Finland (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and Wightman, K*, “Cultivating professional learning partnerships in Tasmania: Tom Bentley’s 7 key features of collaboration”, Education Transforms 2017 Programme with Abstracts, 12-14 July 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 8-9. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and Cruickshank, VJ, “Exploring the relationship between experiences of working in boarding and teacher development: A Tasmanian boarding school perspective”, Proceedings of the Australian Boarding Schools Association Tasmanian State Conference 2012, 11 August 2012, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 1-7. (2012) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ and Agra Pardinas, J* and Barney, DT* and Chen, JCH* and Dias, B* and Golparian, S* and Irwin, R*, “A panorama of practice: A/r/tography around the world”, Program, 35th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art, 7-11 August 2017, Daegu, Korea (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, “Professional pathways: Navigating the professional academic landscape post PhD”, AARE 2017 Conference Papers, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia (2017) [Plenary Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ and Corbett, Michael John and Cruickshank, V, “Providing pastoral care to rural students in metropolitan boarding schools”, AARE Conference Papers 2017, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, “The Relational Art Inquiry Tool: Expanding the possibilities of and for a/r/tographic research”, Proceedings of the 7th World Alliance for Arts Education Conference, 22-25 November 2017, Auckland, New Zealand (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Masters, JE and Morrison, CM and Quentin-Baxter, M, “The journey from pre-service teacher to practicing teacher: A national snapshot of portfolios of evidence in Australian initial teacher education”, 2017 ePortfolio Forum: Owning, supporting and sharing the journey - Book of Short Papers, 20-21 September 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 53-58. (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Morrison, CM and Alexander, C*, “Accounts from the field: Working within university and regulatory processes”, AARE 2017 Conference Papers, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Morrison, CM and Swabey, KJ, “Staying BRiTE in Remote Schools and Communities: Embedding Resilience Promoting Content within Professional Experience Placements and within Community”, AARE Conference Papers 2017, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia ISSN 1324-9320 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muir, T, “Online, anytime, anywhere: enacting flipped learning in three different secondary mathematics classrooms”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 389-396. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Muir, T, “The enactment of a flipped classroom approach in a senior secondary mathematics class and its impact on student engagement”, Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 17-22 July 2017, Singapore, pp. 3-288. ISSN 0771-100X (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Oates, G and Beswick, K and Beisiegel, M* and Evans, T* and King, D* and Fielding-Wells, J*, “Videos in teacher professional development: fostering an international community of practice”, Proceedings of the 41st conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 17-22 July 2017, Singapore, pp. 1-156. ISBN 978-981-11-3742-6 (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Oates, GN, “Technology in Mathematics Education: Back to the future?”, Book of Abstracts of Brazil Delta 17, 26 November-1 December 2017, Gramada, Brazil, pp. 20. (2017) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Pullen, D and Collette, S and F, J, “Post-graduate student grades and unit evaluation: is there a relationship between student unit feedback and their final unit grade?”, Proceedings of the 2017 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, Australia, pp. 1-20. (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Reaburn, R, “Statistics instructors’ beliefs and misconceptions about p-values”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 428-433. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Sain, N and Bown, A and Fluck, A and Kebble, P, “ESL learners’ online research and comprehension strategies”, CALL in a climate of change: adapting to turbulent global conditions - short papers from EUROCALL 2017, France, pp. 271-276. ISBN 978-2-490057-04-7 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Shelley, B and Frost, S* and Morrison, J and Tubman, C, “Research and business intelligence: driving an improvement agenda across education sectors”, Proceeding from the Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 4-6 December 2017, Hobart, Australia (2017) [Plenary Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Short, M and Ashman, G and huang, Z, “Computer assisted language learning (CALL) for international students: An Australian perspective”, Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Education & e-Learning (EeL 2017), 25-26 September 2017, Singapore, pp. 26-29. ISSN 2251-1814 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Smith, CJ and McLeod, CJ, “Deep exploration of student attainment and retention: Keeping students in education beyond Year 10 in Tasmania”, Proceedings of the 2016 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2016, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-16. (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Smith, CJ and Watson, JM, “STEM and education for sustainability: finding common ground for a thriveable future”, Proceedings of the 2016 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference, 27 November - 1 December 2016, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-11. ISSN 1324-9320 (2016) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Takala, K* and Kokkonen, M* and Grasten, A and Liukkonen, J*, “Three- to four-year-old children's socioemotional competencies assessed by kindergarten teachers in general and physical education settings, and by parents at home”, Program, EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2014, 25-27 August 2014, Jyvaskyla, Finland (2014) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, A and Thomas, DP and To, VT, “The metaphors we teach by: A Cumulative and cohesive design for Bachelor of Education English education units”, Program, Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association Conference, 27-29 September 2016, Sydney, Australia, pp. 39. (2016) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, D, “Using SFL to Personalise Learning in Early Childhood Classrooms”, Transforming contexts: Papers from the 44th International Systemic Functional Congress, 10-14 July 2017, Wollongong, New South Wales, pp. 67-74. ISBN 978-0-646-97417-0 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, DP, “Meaningful writing instruction: Using functional grammar to personalise learning in low SES early childhood classrooms in Tasmania”, Programme of the 2017 AATE and ALEA National Conference, 6-9 July 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 3. (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, DP, “Valued rhetorical choices in high scoring primary and secondary school persuasive texts: Findings from my PhD”, Program, ASFLA Conference 2015, 29 September to 1 October 2015, Brisbane, Australia (2015) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, DP, “Persuasive writing genres from two theoretical perspectives: Positioning students for success on the NAPLAN test”, Program, ASFLA National Conference 2013, 1-3 October 2013, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 65-66. (2013) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Thomas, JK and Triffit, J* and te Riele, KM, “Inclusive, engaged learning: New momentum in engagement policy and practice in Tasmania”, Proceedings of Education Transforms 2017, 12-14 July 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 30-31. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
To, V and Thomas, D and Hopwood, B, “Enhancing student reading engagement through the UTAS Books in Homes Program and Reading Mentor Program”, Proceedings of the 2017 AATE/ ALEA National Conference, 6-9 July 2017, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-22. (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
To, V and Thomas, D, “Examining interpersonal metaphor of modality in successful primary persuasive texts”, Transforming contexts: Papers from the 44th International Systemic Functional Congress, 17-19 July 2017, Wollongong, New South Wales, pp. 75-81. ISBN 978-0-646-97417-0 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
To, VT and Thomas, DP, “Examining interpersonal metaphor of modality in successful primary persuasive texts”, Program of the 44th International Systemic Functional Linguistic Congress, 10-14 July 2017, Woolongong, Australia, pp. 113. (2017) [Conference Extract] [Full Text] [Detail]
Vincent, KD, “Adopting a decolonising lens: towards an epistemological transformation of social work knowledge”, Conference Proceedings of the TASA 2017 Conference, 27-30 November 2017, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 51-56. ISBN 978-0-6482210-0-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Watson, J, “A classroom scenario for professional learning in statistics”, Proceedings of the 26th Biennial Conference of the Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers Inc., 11-13 July 2017, Canberra, Australia, pp. 133-141. ISBN 978-1-875900-80-0 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Watson, J and Callingham, R, “Developing learning progressions to support mathematical reasoning in the middle years: statistical reasoning”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 663-666. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Watson, J and Callingham, R and English, L*, “Students’ development of statistical literacy in the upper primary years”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 538-545. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Woodward, A and Beswick, K and Oates, G, “The four proficiency strands plus one?: Productive disposition and the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics”, 2017 Mathematical Association of Victoria Annual Conference Proceedings, 7-8 December 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 18-24. ISBN 978-1-876949-61-7 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Woodward, Aimee and Beswick, K and Oates, G, “Towards a positive approach to teaching for productive disposition in mathematics”, Proceedings of the 40th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2-6 July 2017, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-1-920846-30-5 (2017) [Refereed Conference Paper] [Full Text] [Detail]
Wu, Qian, “Exploring Chinese students’ decision-making to undertake regional Australian higher education”, Programme of the 2016 Australia and APAC Higher Education Summit, 14-15 July 2016, Melbourne, Australia (2017) [Keynote Presentation] [Full Text] [Detail]
Computer Software
Kebble, PG and Heidermann, D*, “How Good Is My English?”, 1.0, Apple iTunes, USA (2017) [Software iOS] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kebble, PG and Heidermann, D*, “The IELTS Score Predictor”, 1.2, Apple iTunes, USA (2017) [Software iOS] [Full Text] [Detail]
Contract Report, Consultant's Report
Auckland, S and Woodroffe, J and Kilpatrick, S and Eyles, K and Jackson, E and Grant, O and Stratford, E, Kentish Community Learning Plan and Strategy, Kentish Council, Australia (2016) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Corbett, Michael John and Fraser, SP and Beswick, K and Smith, H and Wells, Jill and Reaburn, RL and McCarthy, RJ and Roberts, JV and McLeod, CJ and Sutton, GN and Smith, CJ and Page, LA, Report of the program evaluation of ‘Dream Big’, Burnie City Council, Launceston, Tasmania, Final (2017) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Howells, KM, Enhancement of gratitude in the context of elite athletes, Australian Institute of Sport, Launceston, Tasmania (2017) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Jaakkola, T* and Saakslahti, A* and Liukkonen, J* and Iivonen, S* and Kujala, U* and Kyrolainen, H* and Heinonen, A* and Laakso, L* and Huotari, P* and Kalaja, S* and Kuoppala, K* and Knuuttila, T* and Grasten, A, Schoolchildren basic physical activity performance monitoring system, Ministry of Education and National Board of Education of Finland, Finland (2012) [Consultants Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Kilpatrick, S and Auckland, S, Learn for Life: Circular Head Community Literacy Plan Evaluation Project Final Report, University of Tasmania (2017) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Moltow, DT, Fostering Integrity: Report on the implementation of Speak up in the Tasmanian public sector, Integrity Commission Tasmania, Australia (2017) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Rayner, CS, Video Learning Profiles (VLPs): Pilot study report, Tasmanian Department of Education Professional Learning Institute, Australia (2017) [Contract Report] [Full Text] [Detail]
Major Creative Work
Keating, M and Johnstone, S, The Onlooker, M16 Artspace, M16 Artspace (2017) [Published Creative Work] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, A and Bywaters, M, Entangled: Art in the Tasmanian Primary School, School of Creative Arts, University of Tasmania,, Academy Gallery, School of Creative Arts, Inveresk, pp. 5 (2017) [Other Exhibition] [Full Text] [Detail]
Other Creative Work
MacDonald, A, Body of Work, Poimena Gallery. Launceston, Tasmania, https://tata.org.au/body-of-work-exhibition-2017/, pp. 7 (2017) [Catalogue] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, Consumed by consumption, Academy Gallery,Launceston; Makers Workshop,Burnie, http://www.utas.edu.au/creative-arts/events/art-th, pp. 3 paintings (2017) [Representation of Original Art] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, Drawn Together: An exhibition of life drawing works from Tasmanian teachers and their students, Little Space Gallery, Australia, pp. 3 pages (2017) [Catalogue] [Full Text] [Detail]
MacDonald, AJ, Tasmanian Young Artist Award 2017, John Temple Gallery, Westbury, Tasmania, pp. 8 pages (2017) [Catalogue] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “The Challenges Faced By Male Primary Teachers” (2016) [PhD] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Students' Physical Activity, Physical Education Enjoyment, and Motivational Determinants through a Three-Year School-Initiated Program” (2014) [PhD] [Full Text] [Detail]
Grasten, A, “Changes in students´ social cognitive factors, motivation climate and physical education enjoyment from 7th grade to 8th grade” (2010) [Masters Research] [Full Text] [Detail]
Smith, CJ, “Role-plays and drama in science learning”, Encyclopedia of science education, R Gunstone (ed), Germany, 2, pp. 841-843 (2015) [Entry] [Full Text] [Detail]
Other Public Output
Beasy, KM, “Kids come together to learn that you 'Dont Mess with Burnie'”, ABC Northern Tasmania News Report, ABC Radio, Australia, 9 November 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]
Beasy, KM, “Pupils learn rubbish rules”, The Advocate, Fairfax Regional Media, Australia, 10 November 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]
Beasy, KM, “Recycling's future: can you still make a difference?”, Life Matters, ABC Radio National, Sydney, Australia, 25 August 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]
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Cruickshank, V, “UTAS research reports on strategies for male primary school teachers to manage career challenges”, The Examiner, News Corp Australia, Launceston, Tasmania, July 29 2017 (2017) [Newspaper Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “Where are all the male teachers?”, The Project, Channel 10, Australia, 17 October 2017 (2017) [Media Interview] [Full Text] [Detail]
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Cruickshank, V, “Postcard from China”, Langana, Launceston Walking Club, Launceston, Tasmania, 2015, 03, pp. 47-49. (2015) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “Mt Kinabalu & Volcan Tajumulco”, Langana, Launceston Walking Club, Launceston, Tasmania, pp. 40-41. (2014) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
Cruickshank, V, “Mt Sinai - Egypt”, Langana, Launceston Walking Club, Launceston, Tasmania, p. 30. (2013) [Magazine Article] [Full Text] [Detail]
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* This author is not affiliated with the University of Tasmania.